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Pigeons on Rape!


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Managed to bag 11 woodies on some rape this afternoon in a about 1 1/2 hrs! When i went to set up i scared of over 1000 woodies which was very satisfying but i had left it a bit late (2 o'clock) setting up as i watched the derby on sky 3-1 to ipswich :stupid: !


Hopefully they will still be hitting it next sunday so i can have a whole day at them. Also the wether might hopefully be more overcast and windy as it was a very still, clear and sunny day which is never great for pigeon shooting!!



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farmerguy...you sure those birds were ON rape??? I keep getting calls from farmers saying the birds are on rape but if you look they're actually just picking up fallen acorns. Most usually the birds are around an oak tree. Check the rape and see if it's been eaten by Woody and you may find it hasn't.

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The field i shot these on were on directed drilled rape as you can see from the pic, it was after 2md wheat! We tend to do this alot more these days as it saves alot of money in diesel etc and once it takes hold you wouldnt tell the diference!! We do this with all our rape fields if conditions are ok!


They were deffinetly "on" it as their crops were full of the stuff! Last year pigeons must have caused 5-6 acres of rape to be behind so i am trying to get on top of it at the begining which want be easy!!

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so i am trying to get on top of it at the begining which want be easy!!



some of the lads on here could help. :shout:



Might well need it if they get between fields! We have 5 fields on our land that have rape and neighbouring farmers also have some so might need others to be on the other fields to keep them moving etc!! We have so many about im sure it would be a fairly gud day!!


For at the moment i am manageing ok! :lol:

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They were deffinetly "on" it as their crops were full of the stuff! Last year pigeons must have caused 5-6 acres of rape to be behind so i am trying to get on top of it at the begining which want be easy!!


Definitely interesting is this. I wonder if they came into these fields because of the gaps showing some stubble through? No sign of pigeon on rape round here as yet..


Glad someone is having some luck though :shout:

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How come all you sotherners have got rape fields...........



Barley barley barley.........................its all bloody barley where I am...


Wish we could swop..........all I got is rape (that is already quite high :shout: ) and then wheat when it's cut in only another 9 month's time...... :lol:

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Oh no its not Lancslad. Some of it is wheat; and yes some of that green stuff is rape, we just haven't got permission YET!!!!


Just wait a few weeks,a nd the grey ones will start to hit the rape. Just wait until you see a grey blanket of birds on the field, take a digital photo if you can and then hot foot it and find the farmer, permission form in hand.



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I think its more because there are 10's of thousands of pigeons and rook around his farm and not enough diversity of food about for them except rape.




Don't exagerate :lol: bad as most farmers...they see 10 and it's a 100, they see 100 and it's 1000's. Farmerguy shot 11 I think he said hardly 1000's hitting the rape. I could take you places where you'd see a 1000 birds but they're not hitting the rape in those numbers they're still on the berries and acorns in the main. Granted there are some small numbers on patches of rape but that's not 'hitting' it! and you certainly won't get a BIG bag of it at the moment.


As for diversity of food there's more than enough choice for Woody in Suffolk and rape the last thing he's interested in.

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Don't exagerate :good: bad as most farmers...they see 10 and it's a 100, they see 100 and it's 1000's. Farmerguy shot 11 I think he said hardly 1000's hitting the rape. I could take you places where you'd see a 1000 birds but they're not hitting the rape in those numbers they're still on the berries and acorns in the main. Granted there are some small numbers on patches of rape but that's not 'hitting' it! and you certainly won't get a BIG bag of it at the moment.


As for diversity of food there's more than enough choice for Woody in Suffolk and rape the last thing he's interested in.



I know for sure that we dont over exagerate the numbers of pigeons hitting our rape! When i got to the field which is about a 8-10 acre plot, id say getting on to a quater of the field was covered in pigeons! as this was at around 2 o'clock they may not all have been eating it but they were deffinetly on it!


I can say that there are atleast 300-400 eating the rape as when i got down there at around 10:30 i scared them of! At the moment i think woodys are only eating once a day so you may not get big bags of it but hell when in the last few years have you got a "BIG" bag off rape!? One shot and they are off next door!!! Over the past few weeks nearly all the pigeons i have shot has had rape in, with only one having berries!


As ferretboy says, we do have thousands of pigeons in our area as we have 4 HUGE woods that they like to roost in bordering our farm! By huge i mean a few hundred acres in total! Luckly not all of them are interested in what we have, therefore go and annoy the other farmers!


I know it might be the norm what Highlander is saying but it just doesnt seem like that in our area at the moment! Either that or he is just jelous! :good::good:



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I know it might be the norm what Highlander is saying but it just doesnt seem like that in our area at the moment! Either that or he is just jelous! :good::good:




Jealous is right, I drove the best part of 150 miles round Suffolk yesterday and whilst there's a lot of pigeons about there's no big numbers on the rape and I'm talking 1000's of acres of the stuff. If you've got 1000's of birds on a 6-8 acre plot then that's not rape that's aniseed :good: Most of the rape is well up and it's only those odd bits that are behind that some birds are starting to take an interest in but not enough that when disturbed they hurry back. I'm sitting in my office looking at a 60 acre field of rape at the moment, not too well up but not bad either and apart from a lot of pheasants and partridges there's not a Woody to be seen.

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It's the same in my area, (South Herts), quite a few birds about but most are still at the Acorns and Beechmast, and if past years are anything to go by, it will be late Jan by the time they show any real interest in it.


A good time to catch up on all those outstanding DIY jobs..?? :good:



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I know it might be the norm what Highlander is saying but it just doesnt seem like that in our area at the moment! Either that or he is just jelous! :good::good:




I'm sitting in my office looking at a 60 acre field of rape at the moment, not too well up but not bad either and apart from a lot of pheasants and partridges there's not a Woody to be seen.


I can second Highlander, It takes me 1hr to drive to work on the Norfolk/Suffolk boarder and most of the farms have beet, wheat and rape, with very few woodies on any of it. A few corvids on the fields that have muck on them and thats about it! The rape is very well on for the time of year and woodie has been stuffing Achorns and Hawthorne which seems has ment no need for the less tasty rape, as a result our sport has been very very slow

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B***** hell agreement from pavman...must chalk that up :good:



Do some work you lazy *******, like the rest of us have too, its fine for you rich landowners looking out at your fields with not a woodie in sight to spoil your crops :good:


ps, can i come and shoot rabbits on your estate this sat, :good:

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