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There's more to shooting than the gun


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I took the spaniel for a mooch with the gun this morning. On walking into the wood, I met up with the farm manager. We chatted about drilling, combining, pigeons, ploughing and all things country.......... and the bluebells throughout the wood. After 20 minutes or so, with the spaniel boiling over, I said I'd better go before he explodes :lol: Walking through the woods with a mixture of wild garlic and the bluebells was an amazing sight. The colours of the new leaves on the trees combined with the scent of the bluebells drifting through the woods always makes me appreciate what we have in our sport.

Over the couple of hours wandering round the fields and checking on the spring rape, there was an oasis of wildlife out in the sunshine. This farm has been rabbit less for some years and yet today there were two areas where they were hopping about. A sign of good things to come. The spaniel didn't notice them, nose to the ground getting high on the abundance of scent in the damp grass.

I was really quite pleased that nothing flew past as it reminded me there is more to shooting than pulling the trigger :yes:



Edited by turbo33
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Got my old man some of that wild garlic and he liked it so much he got some in the garden. It started as a small.group of bulbs growing about 4" in diameter a few yeay back. Now it's spread over 3 feet wide. Great for salads and cooking. I use it in Burger and Sausage making :yes:

Edited by Lord Geordie
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Got my old man some of that wild garlic and he liked it so much he got some in the garden. It started as a small.group of bulbs growing about 4" in diameter a few yeay back. Now it's spread over 3 feet wide. Great for salads and cooking. I use it in Burger and Sausage making :yes:


Beautiful picture.


Recipe for salting the leaves HERE


Just take care not to confuse the plants with similar-looking poisonous lillies.



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What a classic woodland scene! :good: Bluebells alway reminds me of where my mother was brought up in Monmout, up on the Kimin(sp). She used to say that at a certain time of the year you could not see the ground for Bluebells.

I don't think you have to be old to appreciate such scenes of nature at it's best :no: - Well not as old as me anyway! :whistling:

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