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Ferret Master

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This is an SOS plea to anyone on the forum whos experienced at paintballing. I'm invited on a friends paintballing party and I have no ideo what to expect... other than pain. :stupid:


I have been told rapid fire is the best option however I imagine it will be more my style to just snipe the enemy? So what can I expect and does anyone on here have any advice other than wear lots of thick clothes. :stupid::good:


FM :good::good::good:

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Cover your ears as well as you can.


Depending on the game you might get away with sniping, but the markers make a lot of noise and you won't stay hidden for long. Try not to take headshots :stupid:


Doesn't hurt that much, but its all relative really, some people moan like old women when shot, some just get on with it :stupid:

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Should I say BRUISES..........................



Coz you will......................



I tend to go it alone.....................being an ex squaddie the civvies dont have a clue about fire and support....so there is no point trying to "buddy up"....


get into the places where other people wouldnt go..........creep along the ditches....rivers....water......deep cover.....



worked wonders for me................oh.....and when you do see em......................go mental......and let loose........




If you can....buy your own balls before hand.....as the ones supplied by the "company" will be expensive in comparison th what you would pay...........or buy in bulk.......get a box......

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After just leaving my paintball team, I could tell you a lot of good tips.. but I wont..

What you need to do is get out there, and have fun. Dont worry about being a pro.. just have fun, take a few hits, get a few foes down :stupid:



One tip I will give you, as its for you safety, remember a pair of either hunting gloves or bike gloves. I have had, and seen plentyyyyy of injuries, because your fingers are tight around the gun, the ball has no shock absorbtion and really kicks off the skin when it hits. Not good..

Oh and keep your mask ON at all times. Only take it off once the marshel gives the all clear. This is very important :stupid:


Good luck, have fun :good:

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:stupid: If you buy your own balls ahead of time... put em in the freezer... :good: just dont shoot anyone at point blank range.... :good:


They hurt like heck but travel better... and also dont explode after leaving the gun.. like some do when you buy them at the grounds.


also layers... where as many as you can... be a onion.... (onions have layers). < sorry extracted from shrek


and have fun... no head shots... hit them in the inner thigh if you can..... and watch em scream like a girl... or on the wrist.. or near there rib cage.. lol!!!! :stupid:


I didnt tell you any of the above!!!!



but have fun!!!!

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doesnt hurt- i was hit in the back of the neck between the helmet onto bare skin, i didnt realise i had been hit


snipe them off, i managed to be the only one left on one of the games with one left on their team, i had a distinct advantage, he didnt know where i was, i looked through a slat in the wooden board, to see him popping his head up every now and then to fire a few shots them back down again, i saw him go down, brought my gun round ready with my head over the top, he popped his head up, BANG BANG BANG, he must have been about 35 yards away, all three shots hit his goggles

:stupid::stupid::good: It was great to see his goggles change colour 3 times in about a second :good: You will have a great time whatever happens :good::good:

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Only just read this thread. Having taken a direct hit in the spuds when paintballing (which ruined my entire week), I second the suggestion of wearing a box. Very necessary. As said previously, don't hesitate and ponce about on the periphery of the action. Wade in - let them have it.

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Only just read this thread. Having taken a direct hit in the spuds when paintballing (which ruined my entire week), I second the suggestion of wearing a box. Very necessary. As said previously, don't hesitate and ponce about on the periphery of the action. Wade in - let them have it.



hell NO!



find a tree and hide behind that. i felt no pain at all :oops:

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doesnt hurt- i was hit in the back of the neck between the helmet onto bare skin, i didnt realise i had been hit


snipe them off, i managed to be the only one left on one of the games with one left on their team, i had a distinct advantage, he didnt know where i was, i looked through a slat in the wooden board, to see him popping his head up every now and then to fire a few shots them back down again, i saw him go down, brought my gun round ready with my head over the top, he popped his head up, BANG BANG BANG, he must have been about 35 yards away, all three shots hit his goggles

:oops::):lol: It was great to see his goggles change colour 3 times in about a second :) You will have a great time whatever happens :lol::)


doesn`t hurt? when i went last winter i ended up with 19 big bruises. two of them i could not cover with a circle formed when linking thumbs and forfingers, and got one just above the face mask that split my eyebrow open OWCH. Can`t wait to go again next year with the landy club.

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The trick is to ensure that you get hit in the mask. Not only does it mean that it usually doesn't count, but it is also the one place where it's unlikely to hurt.


Other than that, be prepared for it to cost a fair wadge of cash. if you buy your own before the game, you may not be allowed to use it [without paying extra]*, but if you use their paint, it'll be pricey. Check first.


I've always pondered the box/no box question and never worn one despite being caught in the nads twice now. I think it limits mobility and I am happy to trade a little bit of paint (ok, a fair bit) for the ability to run like the wind.


Oh yes, top tip: Look round things, not over them. Remember that headshots don't count (check this though), so just keep wiping the paint off when you get hit. with any luck, they might run out of paint shooting at your head and you get a free go.




* - they might charge a tenner or something if you bring your own paint.

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