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I've just picked up a small permission at the stabels where my Mrs keeps her horses, to help with the rabbit problem its only small so air riffle only.


I know the field that most of the rabbits are seen in, but everytime I turn up its empty.


As i am very new to this type of shooting, i usually shoot clays, whats the best way to go about finding the rabbits and hitting them, is it just a case of sitting and waiting.


I want to do a good job as it has the potential to lead to bigger things.


Any help would be greatly appreciated.



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looks like I better dig some sort of seat out.

Don't be daft. To shoot rabbit with an air rifle you have to lie prone. You have to make sure that there are several pointy rocks under your legs, your car keys are digging into your hip and there are thistles under your elbows. You also have to ensure that there are sufficient midges about to make sure you have to swat one just as a bunny appears after you have been waiting at least an hour and have cramp making it run away just out of range.

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Can you park your car there ? Iv a piece if land I can do that with just cos if nothin else they are less likely to sit tight if they are used to vehicles ? And just shoot from window with a piece of lagging foam on window !

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Don't be daft. To shoot rabbit with an air rifle you have to lie prone. You have to make sure that there are several pointy rocks under your legs, your car keys are digging into your hip and there are thistles under your elbows. You also have to ensure that there are sufficient midges about to make sure you have to swat one just as a bunny appears after you have been waiting at least an hour and have cramp making it run away just out of range.


Had enough problem leaning on the electric fence last night, after been shocked 3 times in 2 mins i'm taking a seat and sitting on my ****.



Guess next question would be on the chance i actually hit one, what the hell do i do with it.


Can you park your car there ? Iv a piece if land I can do that with just cos if nothin else they are less likely to sit tight if they are used to vehicles ? And just shoot from window with a piece of lagging foam on window !



Can't get the car close enough at the moment, good idea I might have to have a think about that.

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Don't be daft. To shoot rabbit with an air rifle you have to lie prone. You have to make sure that there are several pointy rocks under your legs, your car keys are digging into your hip and there are thistles under your elbows. You also have to ensure that there are sufficient midges about to make sure you have to swat one just as a bunny appears after you have been waiting at least an hour and have cramp making it run away just out of range.

:lol: just spat my coffee out !!!

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Had enough problem leaning on the electric fence last night, after been shocked 3 times in 2 mins i'm taking a seat and sitting on my ****.



Guess next question would be on the chance i actually hit one, what the hell do i do with it.



If you don't want it for the pot, chuck it under the nearest hedge out of sight.



Can't get the car close enough at the moment, good idea I might have to have a think about that.

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Congrats Neil ,,,dusk or dawn , if its a big problem though what about getting one of the lads off here to net em ??? In the meantime just don't hammer em leave yourself some to keep you going and showing your face , also ask the owner if he/she knows of any other stables with a rabbit problem at the ed of the day you know that rabbit holes and paddocks don't mix :)

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The stabels use to be part of the farm, current owner sold all the land off to someone else and kept a small amount to put the stabels on, it was the farm house he really wanted.

if i do a good job he will recomend me to the farmer as his land is also getting hit not only by the rabbits but pigeons as well. Only shooting that is done close by is during phesent season, the pigeons are left alone.

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what if i do want it, quick way of gutting and skinning would be handy




Don't waste them mate...rabbit is great in curry, stir fry, fajitas and stews. Just tell people it's chicken and they won't know.


I have tried twice to paste a YouTube link but I won't let me or some reason...google "squeeze gutting rabbits" and you will find it, very quick, clean and easy technique

Edited by oscarsdad
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At the moment I generally whack on the camo and find someone partially obscured to sit that is comfortable for an extended period. About 20-25yds away from where they pop generally does the trick then pick them off that way. Its amazing if you sit still enough where you can wait and they still come out. Last night I was sat against a brick wall in basically full view and they still hopped out. Just let them get comfortable before you make any moves to shoulder the rifle.


From the comment from Oscardad above you can keep prone I always end up with a crick in my nick and various keys ect digging into me I would much rather sit and wait!


Good luck



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The first thing to do is walk round the edge of the land and see where the droppings are, the flattened grass paths and the holes. Then identify the prevailing wind direction. Settle yourself down about an hour before dusk and wait.


Or watch through binocs from as far away as possible. Rabbits with an air rifle is not easy, bit of a steep learning curve.

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If you settle in up wind of your rabbits and conceal yourself well enough, they generally don't take long to venture out. Leave them to get a few yards from their warren before taking a shot! **** law will most likely dictate it will end up in the burrow :no:


When shot! Give them a good squeeze to remove the scent and wee. Gut them in the field and drop the guts in the hedge row. Skinning is a doddle too.


Either steep in a salt.water solution over night to draw out some of the gamey flavour or I heard recently boiling in apple juice before marinading the meat!


I prefer to either make burgers or a curry! Rabbit Madrass is bang on :yes:

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Thanks for all the advice, I had a go on friday night but by the time i got in position they had all gone, waited 30 mins but nothing come back out.

It must have been your aftershave Neil :lol:

It's been donkeys years since I've done bunny bashing , very early mornings were good , just tell the old man you'll be abit late for work :good:

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It must have been your aftershave Neil :lol:

It's been donkeys years since I've done bunny bashing , very early mornings were good , just tell the old man you'll be abit late for work :good:

do you serve them as chicken in your takeaway will :)

Below is the start of wills chicken chow mein ;).

Edited by delburt0
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Now that's a good idea , the price of chicken breast is sky high at the moment ;):lol:

thought as much, I might patent the idea I no my local Chinese used to trap feral pigeons, ain't gorra clue what they were passing them off as :). :). :) Edited by delburt0
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The stables I have been asked to shoot over is aprox 9 acres, putting most on the bunnies well outside the range of the air riffle. I am now thinking of applying for an FAC to enable me to get .22lr.

Do you think this is enough land to shoot over, don't want to apply and then have them turn it down on the size of the piece of land.

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