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T shot


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I've read a few small articles about this non toxic shot coming onto the market soon. It's supposed to be quite good, and also very cheap compared to the materials available at the moment. Anybody on here know any details? Materials used etc? I figured some of you keen wildfowler chaps may know something :)

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I've read a few small articles about this non toxic shot coming onto the market soon. It's supposed to be quite good, and also very cheap compared to the materials available at the moment. Anybody on here know any details? Materials used etc? I figured some of you keen wildfowler chaps may know something :)


Are you talking about Tungsten Matrix or even their Tungsten Matrix Xtreme:




Cant find the Xtreme on line though but they say it is cheaper than normal Matrix and gives good patterns and is malleable so hits hard.


I am a fan of their game loads but not tried the Tungsten stuff yet.



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Is T shot not that Silicone coated Lead shot they use in Purdey shells?


It WAS made as a Shot that wouldn't clump up as it was coated in Silicone to prevent just that BUT as a side effect they realised it had possibilities as a Non Toxic shot as if ingested it would pass through an animal with no transfer of lead particles due to the silicone coating?


I may be wrong :)



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12G Impact 32gm (1 1/8oz) 5 Plastic £29.00 per 25 or £277.00 per 250 :(


12G Impact 32gm (1 1/8oz) 5 Fibre Shot Cup £30.30 per 25 or £290.00 per 250 :D


12G Impact 36gm 1, 3 Plastic £34.20 per 25 or £327.70 per 250 :P


16G Impact 30gm (1 1/16oz) 5 Fibre Shot Cut £29.45 per 25 or £282.00 per 250 :lol:


10G Impact 42gm 1, 3 Plastic £45.00 per 10 :lol: :o :) :o :o


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as far as i know T shot is the biggest amercan STEEL shot size u can get eg 2s BB, then T, or bbb then T,


LOOK UP FEDERAL AMMO I KNOW THEY PRODUCE T SHOT , never use it in any coking other than very open chokes , no more than, oooooooo i dont know , shell we say 1/4 may be, 1/2, it will blow your barlle


t shot is a sizing not a type of metal like tm...........................YANKS ;););):xmas:

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t shot is taylor d shot. basically it is a teflon coating wich encapusels the lead and protects it on its way down the barrel and is supposed to improve pattern density, the coating is a only a few microns thick. and *** the pellet contains more than 4% lead this is in no way non toxic. t shot is illegal to use on wildfowl. the idea behind it is to extend the possibilities of FITASC shots.

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bobby t is right this was covered in The Shooting Times recently and T shot is coated lead shot and NOT legal for wildfowl (in England & Wales at least not sure about inland in Scotland). It was first developed, about 10 years ago, to prevent damage to the shot in the barrel and to prevent the shot sticking together therefore giving better more consistent patterns. Apparently a few companies gave it a go, including Purdey, but if you're waiting for local gunshop to stock it don't hold your breath.

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NOT legal for wildfowl (in England & Wales at least not sure about inland in Scotland).

Sorry to Hi-jack this but,lead is not to be used where it may fall over any water course in Scotland and includes splashes that are seasonally flooded.

This is not just for wildfowl but for all shooting with shotguns.

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I saw the article in Sporting shooter and Shooting times a few months ago, before the CLA game fair I believe. I phoned up Eley who were supposedly the retailer outlet for this country (Stated in Sporting Shooter), only to be told that they weren't sure when it was going to be available and infact the lady on the phone had to ask somebody else as she hadn't heard of it :) .


I believe that LG was correct in that it is an encapsulated (Teflon) Lead pellet, and that there was indeed mentioning in the article about a) better patterning as the pellets don't "weld" or "distort" themselves as they travel down the barrel and that B) this was indeed being looked at in terms of an alternative to the expensive production of Steel, Non-Toxic shot. But i don't think that this will happen :no:


From what I remember about the article it worked out at about 1p more per cartridge to produce on normal clay/game shot and slightly more than that for the larger shot size i.e. 4-BB ;)


Maybe someone could clarify this further. :/


SS :lol:

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NOT legal for wildfowl (in England & Wales at least not sure about inland in Scotland).

Sorry to Hi-jack this but,lead is not to be used where it may fall over any water course in Scotland and includes splashes that are seasonally flooded.

This is not just for wildfowl but for all shooting with shotguns.

That's what I wasn't sure about ;)

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