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Strangest Thing Happened Today


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Having a pretty rubbish afternoon decoying I took a shot at one of those high pigeons that skirt high and wide around the pattern.


The bird flew over the hedge and out of sight apparently unharmed.


There were a few white feathers in the air so i thought I must have clipped it when all of a sudden a strong gust of wind blew a rag doll like pigeon back into the field at height until it hit the floor about 80yards in completely dead.


How strange :o

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Good shooting. About a year ago I had a similar experience. Late evening in September last year I had set up in a well shot-over field. A pigeon came into my pattern, I shot and missed, it flew away wide and then very high. I can't hit birds at a distance but this time I put the bead well ahead of it and fired..... Head back it tumbled and fell right in front of the hide. It's these things that keep you coming back.

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Hi guys


whilst out on sat afternoon I shot a pigeon crossing in front right to left moving fairly fast. I got a clean shot and the bird stoped moving right to left and just started flapping and spirealing to about 150 feet up( only the second time I have seen this) I watched this for about 3 mins.


when it dropped about 200 yards away taken by the wind I went to pick it up straight away ( incase it was not cleanly killed ) it was stone dead, the only pellet mark on the bird was that one pellet had passed through both its eyes .



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Hi guys


whilst out on sat afternoon I shot a pigeon crossing in front right to left moving fairly fast. I got a clean shot and the bird stoped moving right to left and just started flapping and spirealing to about 150 feet up( only the second time I have seen this) I watched this for about 3 mins.


when it dropped about 200 yards away taken by the wind I went to pick it up straight away ( incase it was not cleanly killed ) it was stone dead, the only pellet mark on the bird was that one pellet had passed through both its eyes .




That's the classic brainshot where it's dead but the adrenalin in its body keeps it climbing up until it runs out of steam and falls to the ground.


These things are very interesting to watch.

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That's the classic brainshot where it's dead but the adrenalin in its body keeps it climbing up until it runs out of steam and falls to the ground.


These things are very interesting to watch.

there is no Brian between a pigeons eyes or a rabbits eyes and Nothing carries on flying or running on adrenalin when shot in the brain,
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Birds do the strangest things after death - I remember years ago on survival training in the RAF one course member despatched a chicken in the prescribed manner and then let go the legs. Chicken got up and ran down the hill towards a stream - much shouting as that was evening dinner off and away. Then stopped running and started rolling - finally rugby tackled with yards to go before the water. Those not involved laughing like drains.

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I shot at one on recently, a right to left crosser going fairly fast about 20 yrds out from the hide. Thought I had missed, it flew on and landed in a tree about 100 yrds away. About 10 seconds later it fell out of the tree. Went to check it straight away (in case it was just pricked, as above) and it was stone dead.

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