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A day out, geese then pigeon.

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Well I'm off this weekend to have a go on the geese followed by a day on the pigeons. Not promising any big bags but who knows what the day will bring. Average day on the pigeons is anything between 0 birds up to 60, as for the geese if we get lucky ( which I can't promise ) you must remember what you shoot you have to carry back to the car. " anyone who has shot geese before will know what i mean by this "

Would rather take someone fairly new out to give them the opportunity but all pm's welcome. I have all the gear all you will need is gun, ammo, insurance and a sense of humor. If however you do have any kit, please feel free to bring it along.

Anyone interested please pm me with a little bit about yourself.

I'm hoping to go this sat, but if the weather looks more in our favour for Sunday that's the day we will go.

Not after any money just some good company for the day and hopefully another pw friend.

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