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Young underkeepers with zero respect


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I was in the pub and there were a couple of young lads who are underkeepers on a local estate they were dressed to the nines in their working gear - obviously on a shoot that day.

In the pub there is a young lass behind the bar who I think is European, maybe Polish. She has a very good grasp on the English language but struggles to understand 100% of everything. They were saying crude things to her, to which she smiled, every so politely, just out of ear shot of the barman. When she turned around they would make the most disgusting of gestures. Something you would expect from the Jeremy Kyle show.


In the end it got a little much and I asked them to politely keep their opinions to them selves when in public. I got a dirty look but gladly they shut the **** up.


Had I been head gamekeeper over these lads, I'd have been embarrassed and furious. Has anyone had similar experiences? Would you tolerate this behavior from your employees?

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I'm a young lad me self and I hate it when people show disrespect to others or slabbering about people with special needs or some other disability.


I'm with you mate would have been outraged and embarrassed if I where headkeeper but I tell ye this those lads wouldn't be underkeepers if I was headkeeper they would have got the boot.

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Made me think of a time when I went into a Chinese takeaway joint with a mate who is about 6 foot 8 tall and built like a brick crappertorium.


A couple of likely lads were giving the poor old darlin behind the counter a serious dose of garbage when my mate quietly says "I think that's enough now lads" The looks on their faces when they turned round to start on him were a joy to behold!!. LOL

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If I found out one of my underkeepers had acted in such a maner after being made to apologise to the offended party they would be gone.They are representing me, my employer and the estate and whilst I except boy's will be boy's behaviour that could embarrass or reflect poorly on the estate will not be tolerated.

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Unfortunately I have been in a very similar situation, working on a large estate years ago I was a very young underkeeper , the girl was a VERY nice polish blond! she came to work as a seasonal egg collector for us.

every single headkeeper for miles around came to gesticulate very rudely on a daily basis....my boss and estate owner encouraged them and joined in all the time! I have never felt so let down by so many of this country's great keepers!

I was even invited to a WEEKS! pheasant shooting at one of devons best shoots, purely on the basis that I brought "the egg girl" with me, so the headkeepers mates could "have some entertainment" after shoot days!!!

it was with great delight that I turned up without her, and shot five 400 bird cock only days for free! on the last evening the keeper pulled me to one side and told me he was seriously not happy and I have crossed him big time his mates have been expecting to have a go on the blond !

I finally told him what I thought of him and that the blond was now my wife!! try treating females with respect and you might just get what you want.

I left keepering mainly because of this experience.

don't stand for it. it gives keepering/shooting a very bad name and it is our duty to clean up any bad people within our sport.

go and kick up a fuss with the head keeper!!! stop them before they let the shooting community down again.

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oh come on please.....

I have dated and gone out with many bar maids and they are use to the banter....

Its lads having a laugh ....

Just because they are in shoot gear does that really make them any different to any other of the lads in there ....


God help you if you heard the things that were said at the rugby club or the lap dancing bars

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oh come on please.....

I have dated and gone out with many bar maids and they are use to the banter....

Its lads having a laugh ....

Just because they are in shoot gear does that really make them any different to any other of the lads in there ....


God help you if you heard the things that were said at the rugby club or the lap dancing bars

Its exactly because they where wearing there suit that makes the difference maybe I'm an older breed of keeper but to me that suit carries a responsibility to act and present ones self in the correct manner and should be worn with a sense of pride and dignity.

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oh come on please.....

I have dated and gone out with many bar maids and they are use to the banter....

Its lads having a laugh ....

Just because they are in shoot gear does that really make them any different to any other of the lads in there ....


God help you if you heard the things that were said at the rugby club or the lap dancing bars


Whilst you are wearing a uniform, you are representing your employer. If a child is abused, does it make it OK because it happens all the time? Your comment is so beyond ignorant it's unbelievable.

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Its exactly because they where wearing there suit that makes the difference maybe I'm an older breed of keeper but to me that suit carries a responsibility to act and present ones self in the correct manner and should be worn with a sense of pride and dignity.

Couldn't agree more, and, after the fuss about time honoured tradition and etiquette at game shooting days (see the post about shooting pheasant with a camo semi auto) it should go without saying that their behaviour while representing the 'company' should be of an equally high standard.

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Talking to a keeper mate of mine recently and the big question in his head is whether there are enough under keepers coming with a proper work ethic. I am in the building trade and young apprentices and labourers are now expectant of a good wage for little effort rather than willing to knock their pan in to prove their worth. Seems it is the same across the board.

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If it was Coventry it wouldn't matter, there are no ladies:)


Seriously there is having a laugh and there is being disrespectful and crude. Limits should be applied , but they are probably small minded men with small man goods that needed ego boosting and by belittling a woman openly, boy does that make them look like real men!

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Unfortunatly it's a sign of the times.When i had my business I had a policy that i never employed anyone under 40. It served me very well.95% of the school leavers were unemployable and it appeared at least to me that the under 40's were always late or letting me down, I also paid well over the going rate but that didn;t seem to make any differance.If you want good staff today, you would need to dig um up.... from Auntie.

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Unfortunatly it's a sign of the times.When i had my business I had a policy that i never employed anyone under 40. It served me very well.95% of the school leavers were unemployable and it appeared at least to me that the under 40's were always late or letting me down, I also paid well over the going rate but that didn;t seem to make any differance.If you want good staff today, you would need to dig um up.... from Auntie.

Yes, you are right.


At no point in history up until the last 10 years or so can I think of a single example of young males (or men in general) being sexist or disrespectful towards women. Nope, not one, it never happened.

Why after 20,000 years of us living in a gender equal Utopia is it happening now? - all the immigrants I say.





P.S - Never watch a Carry on film, you'd have a stroke, apparently.

Edited by Bleeh
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Talking to a keeper mate of mine recently and the big question in his head is whether there are enough under keepers coming with a proper work ethic. I am in the building trade and young apprentices and labourers are now expectant of a good wage for little effort rather than willing to knock their pan in to prove their worth. Seems it is the same across the board.

In a word no there are not enough good underkeepers out there and I lay the blame entirely at the hands of the colleges three years in a class room does not make you a keeper yet they leave college and think they are headkeeper material it is my opinion that they are fed false promise in respect of job opportunity and given a rose tinted insight into the industry in order to bolster course attendance, I hear often of lads on these courses who have never even beat for a day let alone seen a release pen I'm sure they leave with good grades but in the real world that means nothing.

I firmly beleive that the shooting industry needs to realise that keepers need an apprenticeship with one day a week at college to learn the legislation etc and gain the machinery certs they may need.the place to learn is out in the field by observation and hands on not read from tales of old poachers and other such rose tinted fairytales

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