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Heron coming into decoys?

pegasus bridge

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I was out this afternoon shooting over some remnants of rape stubbles, decoys and a flapper on when a heron flew in and landed right in the middle of the patern! I've never seen this before, any idea why it did it? Nowhere near water either . I had even got half a dozen crow decoys out as well, and I have seen crows mobbing a heron before . It was a strange sight indeed .

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Often they will land in isolated fields and stand motionless for hours waiting for voles and other small rodents especially newly harvested stubble fields. I've seen one take a mole, earthworms and even a small grass snake.


I had this discussion some years back with a fellow shooter and ornithologist and hes seen them land on the edge of rook flocks and wait almost stork or crane like for the birds to disturb prey.

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