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Over kill


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Looks like a bag from a commercial shoot that's had a 'duck day' , probably then not 'wild duck' but reared duck.


Certainly just about every wildfowling club I know have mandatory or gentleman's agreements over bag limit per visit on the estuary.


I know some feel this is not on, but if it were a bag of 100+ pheasant from a driven day, or a bag of pigeon off winter rape would we see it as anything out of the ordinary?


As long as the quarry was respected, and dare I say it the law was complied with regards to the type of shot used...and the quarry is eaten afterwards is there an issue?


I accept that some feel we should not put up pictures of our bag but it is something that's been going on for agers, indeed on the continent its typically very much part of the day, displaying the bag at the end of the shoot and paying homage to our quarry.


Not looking for an argument but trying to put things in context, that's all :good:



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Hi All

They are probably reared duck, some of the big shoots put down thousands every year.If they put down 5000 and shoot 3000 that is 2000 that are released/escape into the wild.How many ducks do you release into the wild every year


Edited by geordieh
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If they are reared duck, i think its a whole different ball game to wild duck. Just think how many extra duck will end up in the area, they won't be able to shoot as many as they release.


Now if that was a bag of ducks shot on the foreshore, then there would be a serious problem.

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Did you read the OP?


People making judgements about a photo with no other information and saying the guys who shot them have no thought for conservation. Thats as bad as the ignorant rubbish we see in the papers.


Clear enough for you?


Why didnt you say that in the first place? Your reply could have been taken several ways. I understand entirely what you mean now though thanks!

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Although I see a few Shoveler at the bottom row and teal (wild duck) I should say the bag is 90% + Mallard. Although the Mallard is decreasing in the true wild bred state its very, very unlikely these were wild birds off the foreshore ( mallard are not even a major saltmarsh feeder, preferring fresh water when available) and as such were most likely released birds and shot over fed on ponds. I personal have to say that I find photos of large bags very disrespectful to the quarry unlike other comments made to the contrary and this was most likely the result of marketing for a commercial shoot. Commercial (released bird) shooting and large bags need a lot of defending and its high time they put a lot of practises in order- Just my opinion mind you, its hard to argue conservation through habitat improvement and good predator control when a few week back the birds came on a trailer in orange plastic boxes

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Did you read the OP?


People making judgements about a photo with no other information and saying the guys who shot them have no thought for conservation. Thats as bad as the ignorant rubbish we see in the papers.


Clear enough for you?

I have to agree with this, we do not need these type of posts making unfounded assumptions without knowing the full storey. Basically this type of post will be picked up on by the anti and arms and legs added.

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If these were foreshore birds they must have been 1000% more plentiful than any place I have been below the tide line in October. Even under winter conditions such a bag would be difficult to attain with wild stock. If these are this years birds would you get this quantity of wild duck on an over fed flight pond? Punt gun shot? Again mallard are not a normal quarry for the big gun in autumn.



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