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Just starting out a few questions


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Myself and my son had go at Clays and realy enjoyed it however a bit pricey to be doing it every weekend,


We paid £50 for 25 shots each.


So if we were to take this up and say i got my own gun / cartitridges then what sort of figure would i be looking at?


Also if i went down this route could my son legaly use my gun (assuming i get a licence) etc ?



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Depends what and where you shoot, I have paid £35-50 for a 50 bird lessons and £12 for 25 have a go.....


Certificate £50+ £5 for photos


Gun (realistically) £500-£1000 (for a decent first gun probably each unless the same gun fits you both)


Carts £40 a slab of 250


Clays 20-35p each


Today i paid £6 for a line of trap (25 targets) often pay £16 for 60 bird sporting £20-25 for 100


Twice a month............ twice a week more realistic for many...

Edited by HDAV
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Just a quick rundown of costs at our club


Members £6 (juniors £3), non members £9 (Juniors £4.50) to shoot, weekly rotation of, Week 1, 25 skeet + either 25 DTL or 30 Sporting,Week 2, 50 Sporting,Week 3, 25 DTL & 25 ABT, last sunday is club competition


Plus your cartridges so say between 2-4 boxes depending on discipline, usually 2-3 boxes


Plus £1.20 for your bacon and egg sarnie, plus £1 for raffle ticket (optional)


Membership runs at £60 per year


We shoot every week so times everything by 52


So on average its £16 - £20 per week depending on what you want (for adults over 18)


Our local "big ground" charges £6 per round of 25 and then once again plus carts (no discount for juniors)


Its not a cheap sport but how often you shoot decides your costs


Hope that helps



Edited by shaun4860
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My local ground http://www.eastmidlandsg.com/ Sunday £10 (Non Members) £9 (Member) 50 Bird sporting, Compak £5 (non members)£4 Members, same with DTL+Skeet. Good Stands. Wednesday 30 Bird Sporting £6 Non members £5 Members. Compak + DTL+ Skeet the same as Sunday prices. Really good club with friendly people /advice and good targets(Sporting/Compak).

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north scotland you'll find a few "straw bale" shoots a couple of traps in a field good fun and cheaper, can get boring after a while



Aultbea Clay Pigeon Club

Address: Leacan Donna, Mellon Charles, Ross-shire
Tel: 01445 731477






Tel: 01856 821420

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north scotland you'll find a few "straw bale" shoots a couple of traps in a field good fun and cheaper, can get boring after a while



Aultbea Clay Pigeon Club

Address: Leacan Donna, Mellon Charles, Ross-shire

Tel: 01445 731477






Tel: 01856 821420

Thanks but Orkney is £180 round trip if taking the car and 3 hours travling time


Aultbea Clay Pigeon Club is 7 hour round trip...


I am stuck up in the woods, sent a mail off to the inverness club as thats a possibiliy as it would mean that i could take the wife down too she can do her shopping at the same time


I tried one up here and it was very good however would be interested in doing somthing along a club route so my son could get into it, just trying to get him off the xbox

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I hate to say it, but where you are in the country, and the local population level, pretty much removes any 'real' clubs from existing or being viable.

However, you will find estates and farms that do the 'straw bale' events, best off to ask at or look at signs in farmers merchants, or even ask your postie - if anyone is going to hear about local events like that, it'll be him/her

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Also if i went down this route could my son legaly use my gun (assuming i get a licence) etc ?


With regard to your son if the ground does not have a section 11 (6) exemption then your son would need his own licence or the gun be lent by the occupier of the land you are shooting on.


You would have to check that where you intend to shoot has the exemption in place, if it does and as long as you are with him it's ok. But check you would be surprised how many shoots don't have a section 11(6) in place especially small informal shoots.


Edit to add just seen you are in Scotland I assume it is the same as the act doesn't say it is different for Scotland.

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HOw old is your son? http://www.basc.org.uk/en/utilities/document-summary.cfm/docid/99D87721-233F-436F-93B3C5BBEFDE1899 worth a read, may well be worth putting in an application for him as well particulalry if you go down the trap in a feild route (any big estates locally?) there may be some infomral staff shoots you could join run by gamekeepers for friends etc

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  • 3 weeks later...

@timboellis - I'm a committee member at Cawdor and as you say, it's a fair old trek down for the likes of yourself. Have you considered http://www.hdcpc.co.uk/ Highland Deephaven? I know it's still miles away from you, but it's slightly closer than us. If you want any more help give me a shout as I'm more than willing to help new shooters. Cheers Ross

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