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Yorkshire Pudding

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I am also a member of a working dog forum . Over the past few days on that site there have been various stupid post's and a lot of , what i can only refir to as **** posted . As i logged on this evening there were posts about an under cover rspca officer logging on and stiring things up . He will have been trying to get folks on that site to incrimanate themselves . Just like our very own Mattned , pigeons with nets post .

Nothing that we do on this forum or on the working dog forum is illegal . BUT always remember you are posting on a public forum ! So if in doubt just leave it out.


all the best keepin it safe an tidy yis yp :D

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Yup! it's cos they've got chuff all better to do.


more of them should realise its people like us who keep the animals and look after the land who are responsable for well kept healthy animals.


It's the sponging **** bags who keep a couple of dogs locked up in a one room bedsit, eating leftovers and sleeping in its own feecies, who they should be looking at.

Or maybe the ones who dump live kittens in a binbag at the tip,


Or mabe the ones who beat their pet dogs so bad that theydamage it's spine or break the pooches back legs, then can't be ***** to get proper vetonary treatment. :D


sorry for moaning yet again but it winds me up a treat! I come accross thease scum every day of my working life, and they always seem to be the ones who get away with everything.


It's about time the authorities went after the real targets instead of just the easy ones! :lol:

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It does make sense, netting, and look at this


a great tip to stop having to shoot over long distance is to Sneak up behind a nice juicy pigeon or mallard with your dogs mouth taped shut so he dosent cough or something and then BLOW the blighter out of this earth...

That way its fun but you get your man.


Hope this helps, MattNEd


It does help to clarify you are an anti.

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Should have a list of the Governors in the next few days, what we say to writing to them about Mattned posts I bet he has:


1. illegally used the school computer

2. violated their IT strategy / policy

3. Using foul language which is an offence

4. Brought the school into disrepute

5. Potentially made the school liable for his posts as they have a duty of care and a responsibility to ensure how there equipment is being used.

6. Being abusive and aggressive is not educational


We could also email the ISP and complain to them, let them speak to the school.


I would also suggest to the school they conduct a full and indepth investigation to determine both what other anti social behaviour and potentially ilegal acts this individual has been conducting from their facilities and further more investigate the entire usage of the computers by all the students............. that should make him popular!!

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Right tom, we get this guy, mattned come one and post a topic about nets and trapping pigeons and then killing them (Which is a, fishy and b, against the law) He posted other posts about creeping up behind things and "Blowing there heads off". Again fishy. Then YP tells us of under cover RSPCA officers sneeking about on forums like this to try and trap us into saying things that could jepodise our sport. We put 2+2 together and blew mattned's cover. However he is not with the RSPCA, but some half witted pillock at a collage who is now in the ****, because YP has emailed the head and the governers about him, and asked for a full appology and to have his internet revoked, and hopefull get him expelled...


He comes back on and takes the **** so we take the **** back.


Thats that, we await the outcome with baited breath.

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Right tom, we get this guy, mattned come one and post a topic about nets and trapping pigeons and then killing them (Which is a, fishy and b, against the law) He posted other posts about creeping up behind things and "Blowing there heads off". Again fishy. Then YP tells us of under cover RSPCA officers sneeking about on forums like this to try and trap us into saying things that could jepodise our sport. We put 2+2 together and blew mattned's cover. However he is not with the RSPCA, but some half witted pillock at a collage who is now in the ****, because YP has emailed the head and the governers about him, and asked for a full appology and to have his internet revoked, and hopefull get him expelled...


He comes back on and takes the **** so we take the **** back.


Thats that, we await the outcome with baited breath.

Absolutly no point in writing all that, as i just realised i missread you post.



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The whole of my house has just come back from singing carols to other houses and old people. Madame Williams (a b*tchy french teacher) shut the door on us, someone yelled "The french teacher who stole cristmas!!!" (Me :lol: ) And it flew back open. :D It was my housemasters' idea to go **** her off any way!


Oh well.

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Well I Feal down right stupid at the moment, I took one look at mattned profile I thought maybe he was from anouther country or somthing, I guess I better be more carefull these ***** seam to be everywere, Someone in town yesterday put there finger up at my dad, I coudnt understand why then I realised we have a BASC Sticker in the front window if it was because of one sticker then It just goes to show you what sad little Pricks these lot are. I get worried at school to tell anybody I go shooting Im proud of it and me and my mates often talk about beating an stuff but all it would take is the wrong person to hear and I might get beatten up or somthing. :D

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