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Lever Action Shotguns


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I've been looking at them for a while now. Does anyone know where you can get them from?


Most of the gun sale sites I've looked on, they either have the odd one and 9 time out of 10, they are FAC. Seems to me, a section 2 lever action is a bit of a rarity or am i looking in all of the wrong places?


Thanks if anyone can help me

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There are some members on here that have lever action 12g shotguns , I looked into buying one, it was a Chiappa copy of a Winchester 1887 http://www.chiappafirearms.com/product/831 it looked fantastic the price was right but the company selling it was't up to scratch to customer care skills :no:

Any way a topic was started not long ago on here about these guns I think, can't remember but the guy had an original one that he found for a similar price to a copy :)

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Your cheapest way into a 12 bore lever action will probably be a Norinco 1887 copy. They are out there but you may need to be patient, and to be willing to pay for S2 restriction (provided it has a 24" barrel).


As you have found the Rossi .410s are all 22" so can't be S2. That leaves the winchester 9410, which is a rare beast. I found a S2 9410 on here a few years ago and have since had it converted to S1. They are a lot of fun. Good luck/

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You might like to peruse this (there's a link to some video near the end of the thread):




Hope this helps.





Thanks Mark, that link is extremely helpful. How long did you have to wait until you got your order?


looking at the distrubuters. The manchester one doesnt look good from the looks of Willpoons experience with them, Western Shooting Supplies is a fair bit away. unless i got a RFD to RFD transfer.



I had my wingmaster pump crimped to section 2. not expensive. could this be done to a lever action ?

How much do you reckon it would be roughly? if i find a Second hand Lever action which is the right length to allow it to be a Section 2, this is the route i may take.


Your cheapest way into a 12 bore lever action will probably be a Norinco 1887 copy. They are out there but you may need to be patient, and to be willing to pay for S2 restriction (provided it has a 24" barrel).


As you have found the Rossi .410s are all 22" so can't be S2. That leaves the winchester 9410, which is a rare beast. I found a S2 9410 on here a few years ago and have since had it converted to S1. They are a lot of fun. Good luck/


Thanks Shootist. i think this is the route i may have to take. its just waiting for a nice 9410 to pop up! oh how i hate waiting <_<:|

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Thanks Mark, that link is extremely helpful.



Glad to hear that.

How long did you have to wait until you got your order?



Good question. I think that it was five or six months; as I said in the review, they *are* made to order...

looking at the distrubuters. The manchester one doesnt look good from the looks of Willpoons experience with them, Western Shooting Supplies is a fair bit away. unless i got a RFD to RFD transfer.



It was actually shipped to my nominated "tame" RFD by WSS. I only *visited* WSS to get the gun altered to allow the forends to be refitted. The fix could've been done by anyone with a file but, as it was a new gun, I wanted a "pakka" fix by the dealer.


How much do you reckon it would be roughly?



A year or so ago, I bought an M37 "sight unseen". As it was S.1 and I didn't have a free slot, I had the dealer get it restricted and proofed before shipping it to my tame RFD. The seller charged me an extra fifty squids. That was for a pump-action, of course. Whether that'd be the same to get an 1887 clone crimped, I don't know.





Edited by ChAoS
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Be parient and a 9410 will turn up eventually as will a repro 1887.


If I were buying a .410 lever action again I would probably go straight for the rossi in FAC. Because it is not a semi auto or pump action gun, it can be sub 24" on FAC. The (I think) 22" barrel makes it very handy (I've only held one in a shop though). Its also a solid top receiver like a marlin 1895 and looks a whole lot stronger than the 1894 clone Winchester. It does only have a half length magazine so would only hold 4 or 5 in the mag compared to 8 in the 9410.

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Be parient and a 9410 will turn up eventually as will a repro 1887.


If I were buying a .410 lever action again I would probably go straight for the rossi in FAC. Because it is not a semi auto or pump action gun, it can be sub 24" on FAC. The (I think) 22" barrel makes it very handy (I've only held one in a shop though). Its also a solid top receiver like a marlin 1895 and looks a whole lot stronger than the 1894 clone Winchester. It does only have a half length magazine so would only hold 4 or 5 in the mag compared to 8 in the 9410.

What are the 1894 clones? I thought all .410 94 Winchesters were errrrr Winchesters!



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Yes! Perhaps clone is the wrong word - but its a shotgun afterall! I meant 1894 action made up into a shotgun.


Gunmart just hit my doormat and it has an advert (p228) for an 1887 12 bore, Fac or shotgun, price on application. www.westernshootingsupplies.com

Sorry....missed your reply 'till just. Thanks.


Been a Winnie user and fan for years. Prefer them to Marlins too and many say the Winchester 94 action is stronger than the Marlin!


I would love to have a 9410 but man do they hold a price!



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