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a sundays double up...


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hi all


well its been a bit of a busy weekend with me it started of early Saturday morning at 5 o'clock heading out in pursue of a roe doe but after 5 hours of mooching the fields i called it a day with a big fat zero to show for it never mind i thought it was a nice crisp morning that was dry so cant complain so home i went...


i was only home half an hour wen the phone rang it was a friend asking me to pop out with the shot guns and the 270's . so a quick bacon butty down and i was back out to play.. the rain soon came and washed away any hope for a lamping session Saturday night so it was a night in with a film...


Sunday was my daughters birthday so most of the day we where out with her new trike and trailer the weather was gorgeous and the fields where calling.. i decided to go and try my luck for a doe again....


i got there for around 2.00pm with the sun beaming like a summers day i had good hopes that deer would show out in the sun.


i was not long before my thoughts came true a nice solid munty appeared to my right a good distance away 200 yards . i lay down with gun on the pod and watched him making his way to the cover i decided to take him as he reached a bit of a bank so the round would be grounded.. a minuet passed and i and the munjac where in good positions i made a bark and he paused ......down he went ..


as i had only just got there i thought a quick gralloch and get back into position.. on inspection i found a perfect heart shot i was very chuffed with him a all round lovely buck and a tex book shot..



as it was still early i got back to my spot (my muddy dent in the ground) and sat a further hour or so..
i was watching the wild life in the binos move a round the field and as i followed the cover line i spotted two roe both does..i slowly sank down to the ground and got the rifle steady on one of the two deer .. i once again took my time and waited for the perfect broadside shot.. the doe that i had chosen was the more fuller bodied out the two. she presented a shot and i took it once again a good distance..
this time the shot did not look good there was no falling, kicking out, jumps none of the normal sights of a hit she turned and trotted to her follower and they both ran to the cover . i feared i had mist and the shot had passed.. as a safety i thought i would take a walk and check anyway.... as soon as i got near to the strike place it was obvious she had taken a direct hit to the vitals as there was good think pink froffy blood everywhere.
i followed the blood to the cover and found her 15 yards in i was over the moon two shots two deer both well hit and both in fine condition..
tomorrow i will be busy once again with the butchery job ahead of me...
many thanks andy...


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Wow...that looks fantastic.


It is on my "list to do in life". Stalk, shoot, field prep, butcher and then sit down to a feast of venison that same evening.


Looks bloody brilliant!! :good:



it is a very good feeling knowing that the only hands that have ever touched it is you own not many can say that about there dinner...


good luck with the to do list....iv got a running one of them too

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