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Political Correctness


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I agree with you, most of this stuff is made up by people just trying to get a reaction.


Is it made up that the childrens character Peppa Pig had to be re-done wearing a seatbelt after complaints or the Bobby Thompson dvd was redone and the cigarette in his hand is blurred out


Both PC or is it only certain subject matters that should be swept under the carpet as White lies

Edited by castletyne
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If only most people knew the details.

There is no discretion, there is no understanding - you put a word out of place and you lose your job - I knew one guy who lost his job and was dismissed under a huge cloud for one wrong word 30 years of committed professional service - yet a lot of Councillors, in my experience elaborate expenses, create meetings to increase their allowances anduse officers in unreasonable ways.

A personal experience.

A senior councillor attending a conference asked me to pay his hotel bill (and a large drinks bill) when we left, suggesting I could claim it back - so you do. Before I couldput in a claim, he had submitted the full claim himself and was paid.

A lot of councillors use finance officer time to explain and submit their claims for benefits, particularly housing benefits. Mr Flowers is the tip of a very big iceberg in both the private and public sectors.

There are very many committed people in local government service but its hardly any wonder their world is regarded as 'murky'.

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There is an interesting one today - the governments top legal advisor (a QC) said corruption was widespread in communities based on foreign cultures where corruption was endemic. When pressed he named Pakistani communities (not as the sole problem but at the top of the list).


Now all the hand ringers have gone potty calling for him to go.


Why? When did it happen that informed and intelligent people not speak their mind or voice an opinion?


You just can't say anything about immigrants or immigration, even when it's true, reasoned, based on evidence and needs to be said.


Chummy from the government referenced local election rigging - well if the ties are there (family, culture, community and religious) then getting a lot of people to vote for the 'right' guy would be a piece of cake especially with such high voter apathy from the indigenous population.

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Indeed. The problem is far more wide ranging than calling man hole covers something comfortably euphemistic. In fact who really, really cares?


A lot of political correctness stories (like health and safety ones) are at best apocryphal or just plain made up. All the while the darker more sinister stuff (like vote rigging) goes unnoticed.

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There is an interesting one today - the governments top legal advisor (a QC) said corruption was widespread in communities based on foreign cultures where corruption was endemic. When pressed he named Pakistani communities (not as the sole problem but at the top of the list).


Now all the hand ringers have gone potty calling for him to go.


Why? When did it happen that informed and intelligent people not speak their mind or voice an opinion?


You just can't say anything about immigrants or immigration, even when it's true, reasoned, based on evidence and needs to be said.


Chummy from the government referenced local election rigging - well if the ties are there (family, culture, community and religious) then getting a lot of people to vote for the 'right' guy would be a piece of cake especially with such high voter apathy from the indigenous population.

There have been multiple examples of electoral fraud committed ( overwhelmingly in favour of the Labour Party ) by the group identified , usually involving postal votes. About bloody time someone had the balls to mention the elephant in the room.

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Just listened again to the Pat Condell offering. I'd forgotten that it has another dimension to it. That makes it- maybe- not entirely relevant here. (Me? I'd argue with none of it though). And his identification of what distinguishes the PC brigade is spot-on, I think.

Edited by chacotawas
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Often the more ridiculous pronouncements are made by petty individuals acting way beyond their authority. The same is often the case when "health and safety" is used as an excuse not to do something. Of course it is right that genuinely offensive terms are removed from common usage but I have yet to find anyone offended by the examples quoted on this thread.

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Poontang.....I recently had a stay in hospital and during the banter with the tea girls they also stated they had to ask if we wanted coffee with or without milk as they were not allowed to use the terms black or white......needless to say we made a point of asking in non pc terms every day.

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Often the more ridiculous pronouncements are made by petty individuals acting way beyond their authority. The same is often the case when "health and safety" is used as an excuse not to do something. Of course it is right that genuinely offensive terms are removed from common usage but I have yet to find anyone offended by the examples quoted on this thread.

Usually dreamt up by white, middle class women 'who own cats' and read the guardian.

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Dear God, I really can't believe the original memo and it does sound more like urban myth.

The words (or rather colours) black and white are perfectly fine to describe everyday objects, because there has been no attempt to cause offence or otherwise make reference to a 'protected characteristic' of a person. If you want some bedtime reading, then try the Equality Act. I have to deal with this on a daily basis :rolleyes:


One of my previous managers was sacked because he used the phrase 'I didn't see you there amongst the white, middle-aged Yorkshiremen'. The young chap he was referring to was the exact opposite and the manager thought it was a clever comment. Unfortunately, the chap took offence that he had been indirectly singled out by virtue of his colour and the manager was ousted, and rightly so.

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Remember Gordon Brown and the bigoted old lady commenting on immigration who turned out to be a labour voter and activist?

That wasn't fiction and it is typical of the use of political correctness.

Simply a means of bullying others with the latest linguistic no -no.

Beware phrases like "****** in the woodpile" whose meaning has been lost e.g. but is still instant dismissal. There are others which, when uttered in ignorance or confusion are deadly, not just a very unfortunate mistake.


Thankfully those who are black or of mixed ethnicity see these political correctnesses as games and sad frivolity and are not offended by genuine mistakes.

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