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Evening all hope you all had a good weekend!


I'm going to try (and I mean try!) to sweat talk the other half to let me get a new jacket !!


So I know it's not a lot but want to keep it to around a £100!


Two I'm looking at are -


Jack pyke hunters jacket £50-£60!


Snowbee haldon breathable and matching trousers for£105.


I don't want cammo as don't need it.


All it will be used for is clay shooting and if I go out walking.


If you have or ever used these jackets can you do a little review on them please??


Or any other sergestions please??


Thank you so much again



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had the jack pyke feild smock which i think is along the same lines,wouldnt have another if it was given,not breathable or waterproof,you get wetter inside because you are dripping with sweat


i have now a sealand lingfield jacket and find it to be excellent

Edited by telf
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I like the seeland keeper a lot!


How do you think it will perform on the clays as it will be used for that manly


And how many cartridges in each pocket do you think it will hold??


Like the look of the ridgeline highland as well has any one used one of these? How warm are they and waterproof? They say it is waterproof but considering its of a flease type material??


Thanks again



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Like the look of the ridgeline highland as well has any one used one of these? How warm are they and waterproof? They say it is waterproof but considering its of a flease type material??


Thanks again



It's the liner that's waterproof, not the outer material. I couldn't recommend it any more.

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You can call me thick!!


Dose that mean you don't know any thing about it and can't comment.


Or it's rubbish


Or good??


Sorry and thanks



It's very good. I couldn't recommend it enough. Should have worded my post better. Apologies for the misunderstanding.
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Thanks for the tip on Mean & Green; just been over there and ordered...

fair play mate, they are a good supplier and are usually very helpful if you have any problems. I have bought loads of good ex army kit from them.


Ex dutch Army holdall was the best thing I have bought in years.


I have just ordered the M65 regiment jacket, which has top reviews. It's 80 quid and should be the business.



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