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Hard earned birds.


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We have had some excellent fowling weather up here the last couple of days, gale 8 gusting higher with snow and a hard freezing. I took a couple of days off work so that I could take advantage of it since I haven't had many duck this season. Yesterday I went for a walk among the dunes at the back of a beach which has a burn running through it and some open bits of water that for some reason stays open when everything else freezes over. Its a good walk of about 5 miles and there is always duck when its freezing. It was tough going through the snow and I had to keep stopping for shelter every time it snowed but I managed, after plenty of missing, to bag 4 mallard and a teal. I have had a real struggle hitting ducks this year. After seeing plenty of ducks there yesterday I went back this morning and did the same walk again. I bagged a goose in the first light before I set out walking, could of had more but I was a long way from the car and was hoping for duck. I set off and when I got back to the car I had the goose, a mallard, a wigeon, brace of teal, a very tired lab and sore legs. Well worth it, it is always more satisfying when you have worked for yer bag.


Happy hound.






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