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what 243 round

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This is the way I look at it; you can effectively use a dedicated deer bullet on fox, but you don't want to use a dedicated fox bullet on deer. Some folks will no doubt disagree but I have never witnessed a fox get back up from a well placed shot from a .243 with any bullet weight up to and including 107grain. I'd pick the cheapest bullet designed for medium game that shoots acceptably in your rifle and use it for all four that you mention. I stupidly worked my way down from the expensive Norma fodder down to PPU 90grain, which shoots like a dream for me (apart from one misfire in 400 rounds)! I'd advise you work the other way round though. :)

Edited by sterling
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Hi guys.

Iv got a variation in for a 243. It will be for fox and deer (cwd/muntjac/roe)Is there a factory round that I can use for both as I dont want to get into the world of reloading just yet

Thanks in advance

I use 2 types of round but one will do both if I need it...

The 75 grain I have used out over 300 yards and the 95 grain 200 +

Both factory rounds with the 95's £7.00 a box more...

You just need to find a round to suit your gun and a distance to suit you...




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Don't, its not worth it deer bullets are unreliable in achieving the "bang flop" type kill on deer when taken as a side on chest shot in the main they pencil, varmint bullets on deer often fragment to early maybe wounding but most usually spoiling a lot of venison. I know little of available factory or such small deer but the best bullet I found for both Roe and fox is the 95grn Nosler solid base hunting ballistic tip. I think this might just be available from Fedral?

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If I was going back to factory ammo I would not hesitate to use the Geco 105gr SP. They are a great round for Deer and any Fox that I have shot with them has not suffered (longest being 250 meters). They gave ma sub 1" at 100 meters and I have shot 8" steel discs out to 450 meters using them. Of course you will need to try some rounds out of your gun to know which ones it preferes but if it shoots them well you will need nothing more and at £18 for 20 you cant go wrong. Put it this way you will be able to shoot all Deer species in the UK, using this one round.

Edited by Blunderbust
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Generalising on the .243

1-8 twist 75g upwards bullet weight
1-10 twist, low as you like to about 90g


It will still depend on the barrel/ammo to an extent, that is a guide.


I don't see any problem with a 1-10 which will easily deal with Fox and deer up to Roe as you mention!


If I need my .243 for fox, (which I don't very often) I simply love the 55/58g V-max, absolute pussy cat to shoot, other than that I use PRVI 90g SP in it, works for me.


If you were looking at one round for both jobs perhaps a 75-85g V-Max type (lets not get into the controlled expansion deer malarkey), but lets be realistic, it is a .243, and if you can't stop a Fox/Roe with anything you want to put through it something is wrong somewhere! :good:

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I shoot a 1-10 great with 55's sub moa easy 380 yds 9usually 1/2 moa and will put 100 grn pro hunters into one hole for three shots 100 yds. This is why the 1-10 .243 win is so darn popular. Don't expect match accuracy from partition type bullets.


Hard 100grn deer bullets pencil often during side on lung shots. Fox goes down seems stone dead then gets up and runs or just runs. Sure its dead but you cant always prove it wasn't a wounder. If you use such hit them in the head or along their length and all will be good though

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