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Interesting...Farmer fires shots in the air to deter burglars


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:good:this would reduce burglarys

Would not take the risk with salt loads, If the situation was bad enough for me to be shooting at someone if would be to save my life / family. Don't want them coming at you with a knife with only salt loads. Want something to stop them 100%.


If I was ever in that position they would get one warning shot, and the other would be kept to stop them should they keep coming to harm me / family.

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No he wouldn't, however shooting at them is where you get problems. He took the sane option and scared them off, had they refused to take the hint then he would have had a few more questions to answer but that's always going to be the way


Come on al4x, there are plenty of historical examples where shotguns have been discharged and the holder has ended up in trouble, that house in the country a year or two back, well publicised, where they were making off in the van and the owner let go his shotgun, for example.


Simple fact historically was, if we had to go and get a gun from the cabinet, load it and then confront intruders the owner would likely end up in trouble because it was not self defence it was a pre meditated act, he went prepared.

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Well, a year or two back he would have got hauled off and lost his SGC, seems David Cameron has made a difference!

Nothing has changed, I don't think. I certainly don't think that Cameron has made any difference. His actions seem perfectly justified and I don't think there has ever been a time when doing what he did would have seen him hauled away.



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I agree about Rock Salt loads, nobody's going to get killed, just sore in the right place.


Anyone seriously advocating using stuff like this is a fool, quite frankly. There is no possible way to explain why you have something like that if you were ever caught with them. The only reason for them is for shooting at people and that would instantly get your tickets pulled and you prosecuted - rightly so.


They are also pretty useless for what you intend to use them for. You might only result in annoying the guy who may then decide that he really doesn't like you! The possibility of confusing them with real ammo doedn't bear thinking about.



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Nothing has changed, I don't think. I certainly don't think that Cameron has made any difference. His actions seem perfectly justified and I don't think there has ever been a time when doing what he did would have seen him hauled away.




I am not so sure about the being hauled away part.

Previously 'Victims' have been arrested, questioned then released and had their guns seized.

This seems to be a departure from what had been the norm.

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Always worked on the basis that I never point a gun at anything I don't want to shoot.


I'd never use an unloaded gun to try and put off a burglar as if they then did you harm they would probably get away with it as self defense, despite them being in your house uninvited.


We have some lovely decorative Maori war clubs around the house and the dogs kick off if a cat walks past the house so we have a good early warning system.


If anybody did ever get through the defenses I wouldn't hesitate to use whatever force was necessary to protect myself and family from the threat.


No point arguing the finer points while your throat is being cut!!

Ok if its a cat burgler then lol :lol:

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Would not take the risk with salt loads, If the situation was bad enough for me to be shooting at someone if would be to save my life / family. Don't want them coming at you with a knife with only salt loads. Want something to stop them 100%.


If I was ever in that position they would get one warning shot, and the other would be kept to stop them should they keep coming to harm me / family.

salt load in 1 barrel lead in the other the warning shot may as well be the salt :lol:

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What annoys me is that there's a list of things you cannot do to an intruder.


What we should be doing is asking the police what they would advise we did when faced with an armed intruder?


I would have thought we'd get some cleverly worded politician style non answers.

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What annoys me is that there's a list of things you cannot do to an intruder.


What we should be doing is asking the police what they would advise we did when faced with an armed intruder?


I would have thought we'd get some cleverly worded politician style non answers.


The law's quite clear, you can use the force appropriate to the situation, up to and including lethal force.

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