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Reeves And Guineafowl


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HI . Last season i reared a lot of guineafowl and reeves pheasants and i had a lot of people wanting them. So i am going to do the same next rearing season. If you are interested in me rearing you some guineafowl or reeves pheasants then let me know so that i know roughly how many birds to rear. Thanks

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Thats like saying releasing pheasants, is illegal keepers have been using guinea fowl to teach pheasants, for as long as shooting itself you don't own guineas they roost in trees and come and go as they please i use 4 octagon 20 incubators and probably raise e3 to 400 a years for the local shoots just off the one we have wandering around

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Wot breed of pheasants do u put down Mark@mbb that need to be taught to roost?


I have heard a few keepers say (and know a few who have shot them out) as they reconed the fact that they roost slightly earlier and are quite vocal when roosting actually scared the pheasants from roosting. But i realise probably 1 of those keeper things that everyone has there own idea on.

I take it u have never had a problem with the GF stopping or scarring ur pheas off/from the roost

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