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Mallard calls.


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I have the original of this call (and a spare before the company stopped trading "OLT") very easy to blow, making any call sound good is down to the caller.




This one is cheaper, and I have the Goose call by them, which I find easy to blow (whether it sounds right or not is a different matter :lol: )




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Have you thought about an MPK Custom Call.


Probably the best looking, and best sounding call on the UK market, at a sensible price,today.


No website as yet but contactable via MPK Custom Calls on Facebook. You really have to see, and hear, these calls before you think about buying something else.


Why buy a mass produced polycarbonate call when you can have a hand turned wooden barreled custom call?

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Have you thought about an MPK Custom Call.


Probably the best looking, and best sounding call on the UK market, at a sensible price,today.


No website as yet but contactable via MPK Custom Calls on Facebook. You really have to see, and hear, these calls before you think about buying something else.


Why buy a mass produced polycarbonate call when you can have a hand turned wooden barreled custom call?


Not knocking MPK but wooden calls get wet and they are a nightmare to call properly when wet, I had a beauty of a wooden pink footed goose call but sold it as it squaked too much if it was used a lot or got wet.

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Only the barrels are wood, the sound board etc are plastic.



Not knocking MPK but wooden calls get wet and they are a nightmare to call properly when wet, I had a beauty of a wooden pink footed goose call but sold it as it squaked too much if it was used a lot or got wet.

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Not knocking MPK but wooden calls get wet and they are a nightmare to call properly when wet, I had a beauty of a wooden pink footed goose call but sold it as it squaked too much if it was used a lot or got wet.


Hi Henry,


Your right, an inherit problem with wood is it can soak up water if not finished correctly. I have resolved this problem 2 fold. All the woods I use are extremely dense and oily tropical hardwoods (you wouldn't feel the oil to the touch but it's there). Secondly the finish I use is multiple in coats .And drys rock hard. Water will never get in ;).


I also use a poly carbonate insert for the above reasons. You will always struggle a bit with wooden inserts getting wet as it's very difficult to finish the tone board in such a way as above. This leads to swelling and contraction and the possibility of the insert just dropping out of the barrel. The joys with poly carbonate is you can pretty much drop the thing in water and it will still work.


It's cleanable with a bit of soap and water and therefore also water proof.


Here's a perfect example:


I have a customer that really does abuse his kit (he won't mind me saying ;) and his call lives in his van rolling around and getting knocked about, plus he has used it all season with no ill effect.


By far the best thing with wood is you can get a really nice, rich tone. Coupled with an excellent finish and a nice looking grain.


Don't get me wrong acrylic most defiently has it's place and I enjoy using that to.


But don't be afraid of buying wooden call if it fits into the/similar category above.


Here's one picture of the many woodens one's I have done.




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Interesting choice.


Do I buy an MPK call, or a Buck Gardner Double Nasty?


Most of the Double Nasties,you`ve gotta love the names the Yanks choose for their calls,available variously at discounted rates are actually the now discontinued DN2, now superceded by the DN3 which is significantly different to it`s predecessors.


The DN 3 was developed to eradicate some of the design flaws in the DN 2.

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Thanks for the update MPK, tasty looking call you have there.I was not calling (pun intended) into disrepute your calls, I specifically mentioned you as I have heard good things about your calls, however I do have issues with the more mass produced wooden calls which do not get the same attention to detail.

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Interesting choice.


Do I buy an MPK call, or a Buck Gardner Double Nasty?


Most of the Double Nasties,you`ve gotta love the names the Yanks choose for their calls,available variously at discounted rates are actually the now discontinued DN2, now superceded by the DN3 which is significantly different to it`s predecessors.


The DN 3 was developed to eradicate some of the design flaws in the DN 2.

The DN3 is better than the DN2, definitely raspier and richer, but the DN2 is still excellent.

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Thanks for the update MPK, tasty looking call you have there.I was not calling (pun intended) into disrepute your calls, I specifically mentioned you as I have heard good things about your calls, however I do have issues with the more mass produced wooden calls which do not get the same attention to detail.

No worries at all Henry I didn't think that for a second. Didn't take your comment as negative at all fella :good:


That's exactly it Henry, nail

On the head as it were ;) they really do need to have the time taken on them to be able to withstand the abuse we all put them through.


I just don't like to hear that someone (yourself) may have been missing out on the joys and excellent qualities of wood due to a negative experience somewhere else.


Always here to help :good:


All the best

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Rusticola,may I respectfully ask you to confirm that you have a Double Nasty 3,the new short barrelled Spit Tech model?


It was just coming out when I severed my connection with Buck Gardner Calls and I never did get a chance to hear one. Any chance of a sound file so we can hear it in action please?

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Just as an observation, although the price might vary slightly between sources as might any import duties charged, I was slightly surprised to discover that a British built MPK call, as beautiful to look at and as individual as the one shown above was actually cheaper, on many occasions, than a mass produced Buck Gardner Double Nasty 3 call.


Buck Gardner makes great calls. They are amongst the best in the world at their price point.


So, in my opinion, are MPK Custom Calls.

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