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A blustery day on the rape.


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Picker-up was my latest 'victim' chosen for a day at the pigeons. Some of you may remember that he and I have both attempted to mentor steveyg in the past year or so. I suspect that we have failed. Picker-up is the fittest man for his age that I know and he has a good knowledge of pigeon shooting having shot some very large bags himself in recent years.


We set up 50m apart to start with but PU had to move his hide slightly as he could not see birds approaching from my direction. At least that is what he said. Conditions were perfect, a nice wind and cloud and for three hours or so the pigeons came in very well and we built a reasonable bag. At 12:30 pigeon traffic ceased somewhat but we stuck it out for another couple of hours shooting only the odd straggler. No afternoon flight materialised.


We packed up just before a heavy storm approached and picked 45 pigeons and one crow.


I forgot to say in my original post that the area that PU normally shoots a lot of pigeons in is completely devoid of birds which is why I asked him over. This supports the theories on several threads that feast or famine this winter is just pot luck, some areas have them and others don't.



Edited by JDog
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Picker-up was my latest 'victim' chosen for a day at the pigeons. Some of you may remember that he and I have both attempted to mentor steveyg in the past year or so. I suspect that we have failed. Picker-up is the fittest man for his age that I know and he has a good knowledge of pigeon shooting having shot some very large bags himself in recent years.


We set up 50m apart to start with but PU had to move his hide slightly as he could not see birds approaching from my direction. At least that is what he said. Conditions were perfect, a nice wind and cloud and for three hours or so the pigeons came in very well and we built a reasonable bag. At 12:30 pigeon traffic ceased somewhat but we stuck it out for another couple of hours shooting only the odd straggler. No afternoon flight materialised.


We packed up just before a heavy storm approached and picked 45 pigeons and one crow.


I forgot to say in my original post that the area that PU normally shoots a lot of pigeons in is completely devoid of birds which is why I asked him over. This supports the theories on several threads that feast or famine this winter is just pot luck, some areas have them and others don't.




Thanks once again Jd for the invite and I hope to return it, if ever I can find some pigeons around here.

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