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Hi all, just been looking at a Larona, single double trigger 12G, 28" barrell the chokes are full and 1/2


Would this be ok as my first shotgun? It felt the most comfortable out the ones I picked up. It's very clean and in good condition. Will the chokes make that much difference to a novice like myself or will a more open pattern be better? Thanks for reading and all replys welcome


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Clays at first to get some idea on how to shoot then the real deal ;)



Real deal?


ITs mostly about fit fixed chokes can be an issue but can easily be opened. I personally wouldnt go for a double trigger, depends on your budget, have some lessons on the clays and see what sort of gun the instructor issues you and how it feels fits. You need to shoot it not just hold it in the shop they react differently when fired to when just pointed. What feels great in the shop can be painful in the field!

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I would consider a Laurona - well made and built to last. Double triggers are a negative for resale - get a single trigger model.


As for needing multichokes - each to his own. I own a couple of multichokes - Salvinelli Monaco and Miroku MK10, but prefer my Monaco fixed choke to either - 3/8 and 3/8.

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It's got to be right for you and if this doesn't feel like something you'd look forward to taking out of the cabinet then it's worth spending money on something else as that's what it'll end up doing in the long run (and maybe kicking off a collection).


Good fit is the most important thing over all else with a shotgun though

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Dont get hung up on the fixed choke / multi choke debate, as long as they arent full and full you will do just fine, 1/4 and 1/2 and you have the perfect game gun - youre half way there already - as for the trigger you will get used to a double trigger in no time.


I cant believe the amount of people who say " I cant get on with double triggers" - granted I shoot side X sides with straight stocks, full pistol grips certainly make it a tad more difficult I personally dont get hung up on the fit - any gun can be sorted to fit within reason - if you fancy it go for it.

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More great advice thanks fellas! :good:


Also been offered this gun:


Zoli, Antonio & Co. 12 gauge Over and Under second hand Shotgun (R/H),

Licence: Shotgun, Barrel: 291/2", Stock: 143/4", Chokes: Multi & Multi, Weight: 7lb.7oz.

Chamber: 3""

Trigger: 1, Ejection: Yes, Serial #: 228614


I think it will be down to one of these two guns now. Which is the better gun lads? Thanks for all the advice so far!

Edited by krwigan
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Yea it fits in my shoulder and looking level down the rib, it's the trigger and the fixed chokes that's making me think twice.


You'll soon get used to double triggers, i go between an semi auto and either of two side by sides which have double triggers, i have never failed to fire the second barrel due to trying to pull the same trigger. You do it without thinking

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