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Glenryck Pilchards


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Wonderful food. Got a kipper for breakies - another wonderful fish although smell does upset SWMBO. Might do it on BBQ as she has just bought me a new lawn mower.

Fresh sardines rubbed with garlic sprinkled with sea salt and done on the bbq,served with fresh bread and salted butter,as a side a cold glass of Chardonnay with lemon overtones.


Oh my saliva glands are working overtime now :lol:

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Fresh sardines rubbed with garlic sprinkled with sea salt and done on the bbq,served with fresh bread and salted butter,as a side a cold glass of Chardonnay with lemon overtones.


Oh my saliva glands are working overtime now :lol:


Now you're talking. I love those Spanish beaches where they BBQ them in those old boats full of sand.

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