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Removing scratches from glasses


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This is my first post on the forum.


I bought a pair of brand new Napier SL glasses with yellow lenses from somebody who had bought them and never used them.


Unfortunately while on their way to me in the post they got a scuff on the right lense when the packaging pressed up against them on the outside of the lense.


Does anyone have any tips on removing scuffs from polycarbonate lenses? I've read that you can use tooth paste as a light abrasive, but I'm worried about removing the yellow coating from the lenses. Does anyone know if this can be done or if the coating is usually on the inside of the lenses?





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There is some mega fine abrasive paper that 3M make. You can polish the cut side of Perspex until it looks like a mirror (takes bloomin ages though).


Failing that, i wonder if your local optician could stick it on their buffer for a quick whizz? Might not charge too much, lets face it.............they're not dentists or mechanics so you should get a fair price :lol::lol::lol:



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Thanks for the replies guys! That's a good idea about taking them to the opticians!


I'm happy to have a go myself using toothpaste or methods used on car headlamps but the main thing I am worried about is taking the yellow coating off the lenses. So can anyone verify if the coating is on the inside or outside of the lense?

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