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Renato gamba Daytona


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Hi all, bought a superb version of the above gun. Unfortunately the comb is too high probably a trap stock. My gunsmith says the existing stock can't be altered.

Really? Did he say why it can't be altered?

A new one will cost you in the region of 13 to 1500 Euros, dependant on grade of wood. I know a bloke in Cumbria who could do it. Where abouts are you?

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Hi all, bought a superb version of the above gun. Unfortunately the comb is too high probably a trap stock. My gunsmith says the existing stock can't be altered. So I'm looking for a sporting stock for this gun or any advice what could be done. Cheers john.


Why ? It's unlikely you'd find a used one as they're a rare gun to begin with but I just can't see how a trap version can't be altered to sporter dimensions, admittedly it's a much harder trick to pull off the other way round as it is not just simply a matter of either raising the comb or converting it to an adjustable one.


Have you shot it at a pattern plate to see how it shoots ? It's perfectly possible it shoots flat enough anyway even if you are seeing a bit of rib, a LOT of good sporting shots use high comb/rib set ups.

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Gunsmith said it would not bend down enough due to the design. I said could we take enough off the comb he thought it would reduce the overall depth of stock too much.

It's 31" barrels and patterned very well but high for me.

I will try uk gun repairs first , I'm near skipton N Yorks so not too far from Cumbria.

Thanks for the advice guys.

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Re-heading up will only enable you to move the measurement at the heel around a 1/4" .Some guns can not be re-headed and others will depend on the specific piece of wood . Same with bending some will go and others wont and any stock bolted gun [more than a non stock bolted] has to be considered individually as to how and how much it can be altered ,even using a combination of methods including actually taking wood off .

Question I ask is if it was too high before it was bought , then why buy it ?

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