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A trip up North


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great write up dad, thanks again uncle jeff hahaha ! :lol:


Your welcome young Padawan...no1 apprentice :yes: although your fence climbing could be a bit more graceful :lol:


It is but think he should sell it to me or Jay as we haven't missed with it yet :lol:

Getting used to you heading north and shooting quarry before i do with my toys...New Swaro scope saved for myself though B)


Weekend couldn't have went much better really.

I think i was nearly as proud as you when J dropped that 1st Buck on the spot. :yes:

I had explained to him about "Buck Fever" but he assured me he wouldn't get it :whistling: got him onto the sticks to hear,"can't get steady" :lol: luckily there was a really large straining post we were stood next to and he got steady straight away and pulled off a good shot :good:

That 2nd Buck of his was hilarious,conversation went along these lines;


J there's a Buck 60yds in front can you see it?...No


Can you see the white tree?...Yes


Can you see where the branches meet to form an upside down V?...Yes


The deer is directly behind that,can you see it?....NO :oops:


Eventually after a full 5mins (seemed a lifetime) got him to see it,and to his credit,he calmly dropped it stone dead :good:


Before he got here i was telling Rob about Friday's arrangements and that he would sit out with Mark (Foxhunter) now as Frodo Oops i mean Mark is not the tallest person in the world...Rob asked if he was to use him as a Bipod :lol: so the farmer duly helped out by fabricating 1 of these...


Did get a picture of Mark wearing it,but i deleted it by accident :blush::/


All in all i thoroughly enjoyed the weekend,they both got a shot and went home happy with enough Venison to last a while :yes:


Your welcome back anytime fellas :good:

Edited by grasshopper
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Your welcome back anytime fellas :good:


See you Friday night :lol:


A great result Rob .....couldn't ask for much better. Has J got the taste of blood out of his mouth yet lol :lol:


So glad you and Davy did that and not me :yes: was good to meet you Mark as said and thanks for your help :good:

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Just as an update..my nephew shot his 1st Roe tonight from exactly the same place as J got his 2nd on Saturday.

He spotted it to his right browsing about 120yds off.When it was around the 90yd mark,it lay down. A lot of slow shuffling along to get him a clear shot ensued and the buck duly obliged by standing.I could feel him trembling as he took aim (i leant against him as support) he controlled his breathing and the shot echoed up the valley, I knew instantly it was a good lung shot and the Buck only made 10yds before expiring.

A good cull Buck to take out and another young hunter has his 1st Deer under his belt.

That's twice in a week i've felt immensely proud of young shots who've listened,learnt and conducted themselves in a manner becoming of any true sportsman :yes:


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Now that's exactly what it's all about, belting stuff



Top notch and top shots, well done all of you,


Reading the above posts has made me feel a sense of pride ,and I ain't even the lads dad or uncle,


Sportsmanship at its best, future country men in the making







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