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Do you really want this lot

Fisherman Mike

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aaah! - How VERY exciting - an endangered species - someone who reads the Daily Express......

Sorry to spoil you moment of euphoria but that article was top of the google search when i typed in "ministers who have been sacked or resigned",


And while it is in the express, a paper i do not read, you will agree that the ministers reported in the article and also the facts are correct.


Never mind there is always tomorrow :rolleyes: but remember there is only 7 days left before this thread becomes irrelevant. :good:

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Sorry to spoil you moment of euphoria but that article was top of the google search when i typed in "ministers who have been sacked or resigned",


And while it is in the express, a paper i do not read, you will agree that the ministers reported in the article and also the facts are correct.


Never mind there is always tomorrow :rolleyes: but remember there is only 7 days left before this thread becomes irrelevant. :good:

So you read it on line then - what is the difference?


HOWEVER you UKIP guys make a big deal of Farage and his mates being the new kids on the block, squeaky clean - good old Nige and all that sort of rubbish but he and his party are no better than any of the other parties and at 30% MEPs gone, busted or whatever are probably a whole lot worse - I will leave it to you to work out the figures and yes - according to those who were at the top of UKIP but have now seen through the sham, apparently the way to become a UKIP MEP or candidate is to buy your way in - £10,000 for starters - even the belted Earl of Dartmouth eventually paid up - somewhat reluctantly it has to be said as he coughed up £3K to start with and after being lent on by Nige's rottweilers handed over the remaining £7K.


The difference, oh Welsh wizard, is that we who think UKIP are rubbish don't blindly follow the other political parties - be they Conservative, Labour, Liberal Democrat or Green - we know and acknowledge that none of them are perfect. You by contrast blindly follow everything that UKIP has to offer - that, my friend, is downright dangerous and events in history have proved that to be the case....


If the sheep truly want to jump over a cliff, then you may well do quite well in the European elections but make the most of it as that will be your high water mark - it will be a protest vote - no more & no less and reality will set in come the General Election in 2015 - if the economy continues to recover - and surely we must all hope that it will - then the party or parties who are providing the policies to ensure that will surely deserve to benefit.


I leave you with those home truths to reflect on - good night.

??? I'm starting to worry about you KW, is there anyone who can pop in to check on you and make you a nice cup of tea?

+ 1 - totally demented like his "masters"

Edited by woodcock11
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So you read it on line then - what is the difference?


HOWEVER you UKIP guys make a big deal of Farage and his mates being the new kids on the block, squeaky clean - good old Nige and all that sort of rubbish but he and his party are no better than any of the other parties and at 30% MEPs gone, busted or whatever are probably a whole lot worse - I will leave it to you to work out the figures and yes - according to those who were at the top of UKIP but have now seen through the sham, apparently the way to become a UKIP MEP or candidate is to buy your way in - £10,000 for starters - even the belted Earl of Dartmouth eventually paid up - somewhat reluctantly it has to be said as he coughed up £3K to start with and after being lent on by Nige's rottweilers handed over the remaining £7K.


The difference, oh Welsh wizard, is that we who think UKIP are rubbish don't blindly follow the other political parties - be they Conservative, Labour, Liberal Democrat or Green - we know and acknowledge that none of them are perfect. You by contrast blindly follow everything that UKIP has to offer - that, my friend, is downright dangerous and events in history have proved that to be the case....


If the sheep truly want to jump over a cliff, then you may well do quite well in the European elections but make the most of it as that will be your high water mark - it will be a protest vote - no more & no less and reality will set in come the General Election in 2015 - if the economy continues to recover - and surely we must all hope that it will - then the party or parties who are providing the policies to ensure that will surely deserve to benefit.


I leave you with those home truths to reflect on - good night.



Oh looks like the panic is setting in,

Here's a few things for you to ponder,I have been around a bit and I am not as stupid to think Farage and his party are squeaky clean,they are no more sleazy though as the rest of the politicians from the other parties,as for the buying your way in,take a look at the main benefactors to the main parties some time,strange how a lot of them end up as lords,coincidence? I think not.


And as for trying to make the tenuous link to voting for UKIP and events in history,grow up man,this is a protest vote over Europe,if you want a comparison with your liberties slowly being eroded and your rights chipped away take a long hard look at what the eu is about and what they are doing.


If you know and acknowledge that the main parties are not perfect,yet chose to do nothing except to vote them in again and again,then you are more of a fool than you portray yourself.

At least people who are voting for UKIP are protesting and making the established parties panic and revise policy.

When was the last time a European election was this talked about?when was the last time a European election was debated with such passion from all sides? You have UKIP to thank for that,for reigniting the spark in politics and making people engage and debate.


I voted for one of the main parties since I was old enough to vote,I am interested in politics,but I do not believe that Europe is the future for this country,I also think our politicians have taken the public for granted for to long.


Again I will say it,and it's becoming monotonous ,UKIP are a protest vote, they are there to force a referendum on the future of this country in the eu,that is their aim and purpose.


Come the general election the main parties may have changed the way they engage with the public,if so then UKIP will have achived an aim.


And one last thing,I have to thank you and FM,without you two these threads would have died long ago and no one would have engaged in the topic,thank you from the bottom of my heart for keeping UKIP in everyone's minds.


And as an aside I have noticed that if I type UKIP into my ipad it now automatically corrects it to capitals,someone at apple must be rooting for UKIP.

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everything is going to change anyway lol


The English Language is About To Change. Are You Ready For This?
The European Commission has just announced an agreement whereby English will be the official language of the European Union rather than German, which was the other possibility.

As part of the negotiations, the British Government conceded that English spelling had some room for improvement and has accepted a 5- year phase-in plan that would become known as 'Euro-English'.

In the first year, 's' will replace the soft 'c'. Sertainly, this will make the sivil servants jump with joy.

The hard 'c' will be dropped in favour of 'k'. This should klear up konfusion, and keyboards kan have one less letter.

There will be growing publik enthusiasm in the sekond year when the troublesome 'ph' will be replaced with 'f'. This will make words like fotograf 20% shorter.

In the 3rd year, publik akseptanse of the new spelling kan be expekted to reach the stage where more komplikated changes are possible.

Governments will enkourage the removal of double letters which have always ben a deterent to akurate speling.

Also, al wil agre that the horibl mes of the silent 'e' in the languag is disgrasful and it should go away.

By the 4th yer people wil be reseptiv to steps such as replasing 'th' with 'z' and 'w'with 'v'.

During ze fifz yer, ze unesesary 'o' kan be dropd from vords kontaining 'ou' and after ziz fifz yer, ve vil hav a reil sensibl riten styl.

Zer vil be no mor trubl or difikultis and evrivun vil find it ezi TU understand ech oza. Ze drem of a united urop vil finali kum tru.

Und efter ze fifz yer, ve vil al be speking German like zey vunted in ze forst plas.
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Oh looks like the panic is setting in,

Here's a few things for you to ponder,I have been around a bit and I am not as stupid to think Farage and his party are squeaky clean,they are no more sleazy though as the rest of the politicians from the other parties,as for the buying your way in,take a look at the main benefactors to the main parties some time,strange how a lot of them end up as lords,coincidence? I think not.


And as for trying to make the tenuous link to voting for UKIP and events in history,grow up man,this is a protest vote over Europe,if you want a comparison with your liberties slowly being eroded and your rights chipped away take a long hard look at what the eu is about and what they are doing.


If you know and acknowledge that the main parties are not perfect,yet chose to do nothing except to vote them in again and again,then you are more of a fool than you portray yourself.

At least people who are voting for UKIP are protesting and making the established parties panic and revise policy.

When was the last time a European election was this talked about?when was the last time a European election was debated with such passion from all sides? You have UKIP to thank for that,for reigniting the spark in politics and making people engage and debate.


I voted for one of the main parties since I was old enough to vote,I am interested in politics,but I do not believe that Europe is the future for this country,I also think our politicians have taken the public for granted for to long.


Again I will say it,and it's becoming monotonous ,UKIP are a protest vote, they are there to force a referendum on the future of this country in the eu,that is their aim and purpose.


Come the general election the main parties may have changed the way they engage with the public,if so then UKIP will have achived an aim.


And one last thing,I have to thank you and FM,without you two these threads would have died long ago and no one would have engaged in the topic,thank you from the bottom of my heart for keeping UKIP in everyone's minds.


And as an aside I have noticed that if I type UKIP into my ipad it now automatically corrects it to capitals,someone at apple must be rooting for UKIP.


Correct on all counts Welsh1.

Nigel Farage and Ukip are voicing public opinion and providing democratic representation in an area where the political, corporate and media establishment have decreed none should exist.

I struggle to comprehend why Ukip's detractors consider "protest" a thing to be sneered at. Whether people support Ukip or not they should understand that providing effective opposition to an unrepresentative political consensus does not threaten democracy, it underpins it.


Good article here:


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reality will set in come the General Election in 2015 - if the economy continues to recover - and surely we must all hope that it will - then the party or parties who are providing the policies to ensure that will surely deserve to benefit.



And in a nutshell, despite all the political chest beating, drum banging, soap box spouting, and other rhetoric churned out by any of us on this topic, this is the absolute crux of the matter .


People will vote with their pocket its human nature and wont change. UKIP might get a bit of unsustainable glory in the Euro Elections to enable them to appease their voting hordes, and enable their elected MEP,s to milk the Euro benefits system for a couple of years to line their own pockets but only one party can offer real change in Europe which is what the majority of British want it seems.


I thought I would never say this but Cameron's governments austere policies have worked and are working and most people who can be bothered to get out and work are finding employment, The construction industry, which is the primary indicator of a healthy economy is booming and the feel good factor is returning slowly but surely.


It will be interesting to see which Party all the UKIP voters defect to after the bubble has burst.

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And in a nutshell, despite all the political chest beating, drum banging, soap box spouting, and other rhetoric churned out by any of us on this topic, this is the absolute crux of the matter .


People will vote with their pocket its human nature and wont change. UKIP might get a bit of unsustainable glory in the Euro Elections to enable them to appease their voting hordes, and enable their elected MEP,s to milk the Euro benefits system for a couple of years to line their own pockets but only one party can offer real change in Europe which is what the majority of British want it seems.


I thought I would never say this but Cameron's governments austere policies have worked and are working and most people who can be bothered to get out and work are finding employment, The construction industry, which is the primary indicator of a healthy economy is booming and the feel good factor is returning slowly but surely.


It will be interesting to see which Party all the UKIP voters defect to after the bubble has burst.


And yet again you do not get what UKIP is about.


But thank you FM for trying to get us to 11 pages :good:

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I dont do politics as our system as it stands is totally broken.... if only Communism worked.... we're too greedy, selfish and corrupt for that!


We've ended with parties who are in it for themselves and jobs for the boys, they lie, deceive and lie some more.


The two big parties have screwed up this country for long enough, its time to give someone else a chance to screw it up..... or not maybe?

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Lib Dem are now claiming they will churn out free school meals in their bid to win the votes of the parents of school children, and primarily the mothers who do the family budgeting; a huge potential voting section of society. They have had years to implement this.

Labour, in their PPB last night had Millipede claiming they would guarantee a GP's appointment within 48 hrs; another cynical ploy aimed at another potentially huge voting section of society, namely pensioners. They had their chances.

The Tories are claiming they are the only party to offer a referendum on Europe...again. Also a huge potential voting section of society, and again they have had their chances.

I'm beginning to see a trend ! :lol:

7 days and counting; don't forget to vote. :good:

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I struggle to comprehend why Ukip's detractors consider "protest" a thing to be sneered at.

I certainly don't sneer at protest, I am just aware that that protest has a cost - in the short term the lack or representation at European level (yes, yes you will say it is undemocratic anyway, which is only partly true), and in the long term, if people consider UKIP a viable alternative in UK politics, then I see a future of regressive, negative policies that although popularist when introduced will be negative and self destructive in the long term.

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Lib Dem are now claiming they will churn out free school meals in their bid to win the votes of the parents of school children, and primarily the mothers who do the family budgeting; a huge potential voting section of society. They have had years to implement this.

Labour, in their PPB last night had Millipede claiming they would guarantee a GP's appointment within 48 hrs; another cynical ploy aimed at another potentially huge voting section of society, namely pensioners. They had their chances.

The Tories are claiming they are the only party to offer a referendum on Europe...again. Also a huge potential voting section of society, and again they have had their chances.

I'm beginning to see a trend ! :lol:

7 days and counting; don't forget to vote. :good:

What are UKIP offering exactly. ?

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Lib Dem are now claiming they will churn out free school meals in their bid to win the votes of the parents of school children, and primarily the mothers who do the family budgeting; a huge potential voting section of society. They have had years to implement this.

Labour, in their PPB last night had Millipede claiming they would guarantee a GP's appointment within 48 hrs; another cynical ploy aimed at another potentially huge voting section of society, namely pensioners. They had their chances.

The Tories are claiming they are the only party to offer a referendum on Europe...again. Also a huge potential voting section of society, and again they have had their chances.

I'm beginning to see a trend ! :lol:

7 days and counting; don't forget to vote. :good:

You are confusing different issues, these are not to do with the EU elections, they are not fighting for EU seats they are fighting for the GE next year.


In Some ways there will be many Tory backbench MPs hoping UKIP will do well in the EU elections, they will then have ammo to push for a more Tory Euro-skeptical stance for 2015.

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And in a nutshell, despite all the political chest beating, drum banging, soap box spouting, and other rhetoric churned out by any of us on this topic, this is the absolute crux of the matter .


People will vote with their pocket its human nature and wont change. UKIP might get a bit of unsustainable glory in the Euro Elections to enable them to appease their voting hordes, and enable their elected MEP,s to milk the Euro benefits system for a couple of years to line their own pockets but only one party can offer real change in Europe which is what the majority of British want it seems.


I thought I would never say this but Cameron's governments austere policies have worked and are working and most people who can be bothered to get out and work are finding employment, The construction industry, which is the primary indicator of a healthy economy is booming and the feel good factor is returning slowly but surely.


It will be interesting to see which Party all the UKIP voters defect to after the bubble has burst.


That, in a nutshell, is not it by a very long chalk.

There is more to a democratic free society than whether people have money in their pockets or not. Though if they have money, we might usefully question where has come from, whether from export led net growth or debt fuelled consumption. Your building boom is an indicator of the latter. You may think only with your pocket but other are capable of deeper thought. Prosperity can come at too high a price, especially so when it is artificial prosperity.

The surge in interest in the issues which Ukip have raised is not driven by shallow economics. It is a question of how we are governed and on whose authority. The people who govern this country are our employees. We are their paymasters, and their superiors. We tell them what to do, not the other way round. "Appeasing the voting hordes" is democracy, and without it free-market enterprise cannot function.

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That, in a nutshell, is not it by a very long chalk.

There is more to a democratic free society than whether people have money in their pockets or not. Though if they have money, we might usefully question where has come from, whether from export led net growth or debt fuelled consumption. Your building boom is an indicator of the latter. You may think only with your pocket but other are capable of deeper thought. Prosperity can come at too high a price, especially so when it is artificial prosperity.

The surge in interest in the issues which Ukip have raised is not driven by shallow economics. It is a question of how we are governed and on whose authority. The people who govern this country are our employees. We are their paymasters, and their superiors. We tell them what to do, not the other way round. "Appeasing the voting hordes" is democracy, and without it free-market enterprise cannot function.

:lol: Your in denial Gimlet...we are a nation of mercenaries which is also in fact, the cornerstone of the UKIP doctrine....as soon as political policy affects our pockets our allegiance swings..history illustrates and dictates this. Unless you are a genuine philanthropist your no different.

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:lol: Your in denial Gimlet...we are a nation of mercenaries which is also in fact, the cornerstone of the UKIP doctrine....as soon as political policy affects our pockets our allegiance swings..history illustrates and dictates this. Unless you are a genuine philanthropist your no different.


I am neither in denial nor mercenary. You may be. That is your privilege in a democracy which is the part I'm interested in. And so is Ukip. The cornerstone of their doctrine, as you out it, is restoring democratic accountability and self governance, not mere bean counting, or buying voter quiescence.

And there must be a good few million people who agree with me rather than you. We shall see in a week's time.

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