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Lead shot

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A thought has occurred to me that a possible ban on lead shot will not come from our Government . I can well imagine that there are a lot of folks with high priced guns that will not be usable with steel that have enough money and solicitors to make some pretty hefty compensation claims .

But if the EU issue a directive that Britain has to abide by then there can be no such claims made against them .

You can not make claims against an EU Commissioner as they are immune from prosecution for any wrong doing or for any harm or financial damage laws they impose cause .

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A thought has occurred to me that a possible ban on lead shot will not come from our Government . I can well imagine that there are a lot of folks with high priced guns that will not be usable with steel that have enough money and solicitors to make some pretty hefty compensation claims .

But if the EU issue a directive that Britain has to abide by then there can be no such claims made against them .

You can not make claims against an EU Commissioner as they are immune from prosecution for any wrong doing or for any harm or financial damage laws they impose cause .

Time we told the EU stazi to do one :yes:


UK law should be drawn up and imposed only in the UK. There should be NO forced implementation of non UK law here!


As for the EHR, That needs disected and examined with scrutiny! The sensible parts re drawen and the chaff thrown out. The UK needs it's teeth back to deal with high profile deportation cases in it's own manner, and not having to bow to outside interference, when it does not affect the interferer nor concern them!


The latest stupidity of EHR is the new case of, we can only hold enemy soldiers for 48 hours the MUST release them? Plain stupidity which proves the EHR is unfit for purpose, unless your a money hungry lawyer or a left wing *** wipe judge.


What option does it leave? Shoot? or take prisoner? I think the latter will fall by the way side in future skirmishes then. hardly sensible really. you need intel and you can't break someone in 48 hours :no:


This ruling will no doubt filter down into normal arrests etc and the like of this requesting extention for questioning will fall foul of the EHR too.


Scrap the flamin thing and lets law common sense laws!

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You could well be right. Being a confirmed cynic, one could argue that the abysmal failure of the LAG to report their findings in what is already a way overdue timescale, in reality it is no more than a ploy on the part of our government to appear to be doing something until the legislation washes up on our shores from across the Channel thus allowing our mob to avoid the blame.

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Anyone know what the European guns think of a lead ban?

I would imagine they are as miffed as we are.

Iif there was a substitute would you be happy!

I can see all the reasons why lead is being singled out its been removed from paint , petrol , and plumbing for some time. I personally don't want the change but as a rough shooter the cost of carts aren't the same to me as clay or driven guns.

I also wonder that on clay grounds the soil must be almost worth mining! Ive certainly been made aware of a game shoot that went non toxic after a few sheep keeled over on adjacent land and that was at least a decade ago.

Is your argument about the use of lead or about our position in Europe! I think you should also be reminded that the lead ban might just be made here without any European interference we managed to ban hunting all by ourselves . We as a nation are not always that bright as to minority sports and general population health.


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Was visiting the brother-in-law in Corfu at Easter. The friendly Taverna owner (a farmer and shooter) and I were discussing this very issue. He said it was irrelevant what came out of the Commision. In his view Greek and in particular Corfu people would go on using lead and the police wouldn't do any checks because they shoot too. If manufacturers were forced to produce only non lead carts he would uncrimp them and reload with lead shot.


Sort of confirms my suspicions of certain Mediteranean countries that ignore the EU, particularly on fish size and quotas

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Guest cookoff013

Was visiting the brother-in-law in Corfu at Easter. The friendly Taverna owner (a farmer and shooter) and I were discussing this very issue. He said it was irrelevant what came out of the Commision. In his view Greek and in particular Corfu people would go on using lead and the police wouldn't do any checks because they shoot too. If manufacturers were forced to produce only non lead carts he would uncrimp them and reload with lead shot.


Sort of confirms my suspicions of certain Mediteranean countries that ignore the EU, particularly on fish size and quotas


then they may die.

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EU directives are routinely ignored in other countries, look how many smokers you'll find inside restaurants etc on the continent it's a joke.


On a fundamental level the EU is undemocratic, the whole point of democracy is if the people dont like something the gov do then we can kick them out, we have no way of kicking out the EU leaders who put all this junk on us


And dont get me started on an organisation that has NEVER had it's accounts signed off as they are too full of corruption and yet we still throw buckets of cash at them.

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