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Semi auto that fits in a breakdown cabinet?


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I've recently gotten my SGC and have had to get a breakdown cabinet fitted (long story only thing that would fit in the only place I could secure it). I'm interested in getting a semi auto for general use and clay. However, my cabinet has a maximum internal height of 862 (33.94 inches). I'm looking for a gun where the combined fore end and stock length is about an inch or two less than this so it will fit.


Any body got any experience with this or any recommendations on this?



Thanks Alun


(p.s No "Get a full length cabinet" please :))

Edited by Afastr
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I've got a break down cabinet, my sx3 I even have to remove the Butt pad everytime, it's a right pain.

That's exactly what I do with my semi (Franchi) remove the butt, not much of a hassle really,if you go this route just take your time not to cross thread the nut every time you assemble your gun :good: BB

Edited by Bluebarrels
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I think you might find you will have to remove the complete butt,not just the pad with most semi's :good:


If it comes to that I suppose I'll have to. I have just under 34 inches to play with and I think most semi's I've looked at are about 34-35" from buttpad to the top of the magazine. Depends how much of a squish it would be to get it in.

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A - speak to the local gun shop, see if they have anything in they would let you try and fit in the cabinet


B - if A doesn't give an answer, speak to your feo and see if a gun clamp would be allowed, if you only want the 1 gun, that may provide an answer as a way to secure the one gun in a confined space


C buy a normal break down gun, single or over under

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Take a tape measure to any shop with a decent selection and get measuring most are built for 5 shot mags and crimped to 2 if it was built for 2 there would be less of an issue. Or one with an easily removed mag tube.


Buying an OU is a much better solution tho, why do you want a pogo stick?

Edited by HDAV
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Thanks for all of the advice lads. I think I can break down pretty much any gun I decide to buy.... depending on the extent that I want to dismantle the thing.


my outlander is 34 inches to end of thread,just measured,if that helps


Helps a lot actually, could probably just remove the recoil pad off that and get it in without needing to remove the stock.... Now to see if I can afford a new one.......

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