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Learning curve and a what lessons can help with!

Sat Rat

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I had a lunchtime lessons with Sam at Greenfields, as I was worried about my appalling hit and miss on a round of clays, and also in the field!.

I bought a Silver Pigeon 30" back in February from a local gun shop, all was well the shotgun was brand new and so the case came wrapped in the cardboard box all marked Right hand but low and behold after only firing off half dozen shots at a going away clay,got an all stop from Sam and a 'do you mind if I have a look at your gun!'.turns out the guns a left hander!!, after finishing my lesson on a right handed club gun which improved my hit miss ratio by quite a bit! :-).

I phoned GMK and clarified that it went out marked as a right hander,off to the gun shop for what a I thought would be my word against them,but fair play after a bit of a leg pull over what instructors know and don't know,I get a b¥$%# me sorry it is a left hander we will get straight on this and have it sent back?.

So for all us new/novice shooters do not be afraid to ask and double check on the kit you are about to buy or use.

Sorry ift this is a bit long-wind.

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@Willpoon no I didn't notice as it was labeled as Right hander as a novice buying his 1st shotgun I wouldn't think to check and would /did take it at face value!.

@Scully the cast on from barrel tip to stock was approx an 1 1/2" half and the top lever opened as normal as I think if it opened differently I would defiantly have said something.

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I've never handled or in fact seen a true left-handed o/u. I can understand the cast being missed (especially if it was labelled as a right-hander) but does a true left-handed o/u not open by its top lever opening to the left?

I have many left handed cast guns -all factory cast, none 'post purchase'. None have left opening top levers. Such levers are very rare, VERY expensive to retro fit and hardly ever an option! I saw a hammer gun recently with a true left handed top lever, but it's the only one I've ever seen.

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I've never handled or in fact seen a true left-handed o/u. I can understand the cast being missed (especially if it was labelled as a right-hander) but does a true left-handed o/u not open by its top lever opening to the left?


Only a handful blaser and H&H do them as options (I've seen an F3 with LH toplever) most are standard top levers but a cast on stock rather than cast off (I have 2) one factory a B525 and one with an aftermarket stock Miroku 3800

Edited by HDAV
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True Willpoon although I'll have to wait until next week, :-( just re-read my reply Willpoon and Scully please no offence was meant or taken in my reply to your questions,I genuinely never thought to ask or even know to for check the cast(although I will do from now on with my next purchase),and the lever opened as I have been used to using a club shotgun.

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I once saw Phil Spencer the property guru shooting at Greenfields Canterbury with a left handed gun that he had purchased.He was really embarrassed when another shooter pointed out that it was a left hander and no wonder he was having a bit of bother.

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Seen plenty mis sold and labelled its a frighteningly regular occurance worst was when I found a cast on (LH) gun on dealers rack labelled as RH so I told them they took it off rewrote the ticket and added £50! As a left handed shooter this peed me off! Along with being told OH it's right handed but you'll be fine with it (in which case why do they make them handed?

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Maxie, I know that feeling!:-()

I am just very glad that it has been fixable and not just me!, I am sharing it with my son who has not had a problem with it,and it turns out people with dyslexia/dyspraxia (development coordination disorder) ,have no problem using left or right handed tools devices!.

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I've never handled or in fact seen a true left-handed o/u. I can understand the cast being missed (especially if it was labelled as a right-hander) but does a true left-handed o/u not open by its top lever opening to the left?

I am left handed, my first shotgun a 687 Silver Pigeon had a right-handed top lever but the 2 Blasers I have owned are true left-handed as the top lever opens the correct way.


To change the top lever on an F3 Pro from right to left hand took Ian Mulliners about an hour, was really interesting to watch him do it.


I could pick up a right handle gun and it would feel totally alien to me.

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Funnily enough - I know another person who had exactly the same happen - again with a mid grade Beretta, again labelled right on the box - and again spotted by an instructor.


I have known very occasional true left handed guns - one a special order AyA s/s and another a Henry Atkin (which would have been pre war).

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