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First day out pigeon shooting with new / secondhand beretta 682 spor

Guest stevo

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Guest stevo

Evening all ,

Well today has been an eventful one that’s for sure , some of you know , and for those that don’t I’m a bit of a semi auto fan , not long ago I bought myself another auto a Beretta A400 , and I have done very well with it , however deep down I’m an over and under man . Always have been , and always will ……be deep down , but that’s not to say I think any less of the semi auto , I have always believed that the best gun for the job is the one that gets it done , whatever it is .
Anyway many many moons ago I bought a Beretta 682 Trap (black action) and I loved it, I shot unbelievably well with it (in my mind) , well after owning it for about 18 months , like a complete **** I sold it , and until this day it’s the ONLY gun I have ever retreated selling , yes we have all been there , but this one was special to me , I don’t know why .but I promised self that one day I would get another , well that day has come . Last week I saw one in a local gun shop and thought sod it, im gonna get it, well this morning I went and picked it up. It’s a Beretta 682 Silver action sporter , I think it’s from 1991 or 92 but will have to check the numbers later .
Well like I said I picked it up this morning , as I came out of the shop chuffed to bits , I thought sod it I’m gonna go try it out so I took myself off to a local shoot and got myself all set up . it was shooting over cut peas , but to be honest the pigeons didn’t seem that interested to start , but the last couple of hrs it went mad , I only got the half day shooting , but that was enough to see why I regretted selling the first one I had , . The gun was totally untouched, 100% original, I found out after the first 3 shots the gun shot slightly high and too the right, but that’s an easy fix, As for set up, well the birds for some reason didn’t seem that interested at first so I put out another magnet, and just made a pattern up as I went along. Cartridges …… well I was using all sorts, I had a load of **** to use up and so I did so.

I just wish I had done the whole day !!!



Here is some footage from the day, I hope you enjoy it




Total bag was 70 birds

68 woodies
2 feral

Edited by stevo
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Guest stevo

to be honest fenboy , I thought it would have ben better where I was , don't get me wrong , im more than happy with my bag , I just thought I would have been one of those days where there on constant , there was plenty for them to munch on , I do feel it would have been better early morning and last thing ,

still I hope you get some good sport today mate


Let em have it !

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Guest stevo

if you get the chance . I would try one first the NOT the most comfortable , but there good , I can only wear mine for about 20 mins at a time , then I get a headache , song don't do a very good range in mounts .

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Guest stevo

Another great video and as always great shooting.


Not sure about those two barrels though mate :)


Just kidding, looks like a decent gun and more importantly you like it!!



haha I know ........ I know ...... I still have my semi , but I have to admit even though I would never be with a semi auto , theres something sort of traditional about shooting with a O/U or a SxS if you know what I mean ,


and yeah I do like it ,,,,, a lot ! I intend to use it for a few weeks and then its going to Roy Martin gunsmiths to be fully restored to perfection haha , I am going to strip the stock and oil finish it .

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