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Acorn Crop

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Hi Massive, after seeing the Hazel Nut crop this year I was just wondering if anyone has seen the start of the Acorn Crop as we had a tremendous amount last year and it affected the Rape shooting. Hopefully the Oaks will have a rest year and force the pigeons onto other food.



totally the other way around for me..........i need the acorns cause of the type of cropping around me............

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Looks like you may be right PC, not many acorns on the Oaks in my parts, if it stays that way, I predict a bumper Autumn and Winter on the rape, let's just hope we don't get any prolonged snow cover, which will kill it stone dead.


as for prolonged snow I prefer it , I put a sheet down over the crop the night before the snow leave a marker stick so you can find it when you go shoot the field pull offthe sheet and the bit of green will stand out against the snow , put your deeks on the snow and in the

green the birds will deek because they'll b starving. Ive even stuck cabbage leaves in the snow and shot pigeon over them. Had a good day actually. So you can still shoot pigeon in bad snow conditions if you use your imagination.


Atb Aaron

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It looks like in my area acorns will be few and far between don't know about the berries beech mast etc but to be honest I don't relish winter rape shooting I try to leave the carrying of pigeon shooting equipment across muddy fields in the cold wet winter to younger fitter pigeon shooters, I do still go but usually only if asked by the farmers to organize a day to cover as many rape fields in an area as possible.

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