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Which to buy HW100 S FSB/ BSA R10 Mk2 (Bull barrel)/ Daystate Huntsman


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Evo, sorry but you have made some dumb *** comments,

I don't remember commenting I want to shoot MHR Rrifles,so why say that?

I didn't make the HW100 unable to have a safety on when unloaded? If they made it like that and they sell thousands I guess it's safe to have it in that format.

The rifle with the rubbish bolt was a BSA UltraSE,

AND thank **** I don't get the chance to shoot with you, you're clearly an idiot

retromic,,do you have to take things so personal,,,,,calm down,, I was merely pointing out that IF you smashed yourself in the face trying to cock an air rifle with a bolt action then there would be no chance you would ever be able to cock a rimfire or hmr because they are stiffer to cock,,i was pointing that out,,also bud if it took so much strength to try to pull the bolt back which then ended up with you smashing yourself in the face then it is plainly obviouse that something is or was wrong with the rifle pushing the bolt back in should be harder ,,


on the other point of making silly comments, can I just point out that when " I AM SHOOTING" and no matter what rifle or gun I am using then the safety is always applied until a split second before I shoot,,it has become second nature with me and anyone whom is shooting with me will be told to do the same or don't bother coming with me,,it is always best to be safe than sorry,,


can I also point out I was not getting at you personally I was merely trying to point you in the right direction with regards little things you said,,one of which is very unsafe,,


with regards to me being an idiot,,,you have your opinion and must be a fine standing pillar of the community to make such a remark,,


well done you have really cheered me up, but please don't take things personal as there was no malice intended,,


now go and sit on the naughty step like a good little boy until you learn to behave yourself behind your computer,,


take care


safe shooter Evo

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Evo,you miss the point which is you can't put the saftey on a HW100 when it is not loaded,it does not do it,simple.So regardless of what you insist upon,with a HW it can't be done.I don't need you to point me in the right direction,I shoot perfectly safely,and i Don't load until into position as a loaded gun with a saftey on can still discharge,I do shoot shotguns you know.And I did take it personally as some of you comments were patronising including the naughty step remark.

I often read your comments,they are endless about Daystates,and I have valued your views on how good they are,but i'm afraid you have let yourself down with the patronising smart **** remarks and signing off with

'safe shooter' Evo.Is a classic head up yourself remark.

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Evo,you miss the point which is you can't put the saftey on a HW100 when it is not loaded,it does not do it,simple.So regardless of what you insist upon,with a HW it can't be done.I don't need you to point me in the right direction,I shoot perfectly safely,and i Don't load until into position as a loaded gun with a saftey on can still discharge,I do shoot shotguns you know.And I did take it personally as some of you comments were patronising including the naughty step remark.

I often read your comments,they are endless about Daystates,and I have valued your views on how good they are,but i'm afraid you have let yourself down with the patronising smart **** remarks and signing off with

'safe shooter' Evo.Is a classic head up yourself remark.

retromic I really cant be bothered as this is getting off topic and it is blatently obvious you are a bit touchy,,,


have you not read my threads about the bsa r10 also the air arms s410,,,obviously not


I,ll leave it there,,


to the op


all the rifles you have mentioned are quality rifles but if its for hunting and target work then the huntsman would be MY choice


best of luck with whatever you choose bud


safe shooter Evo

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spend a day in the field, shooting a fair bit, put the gun down to have lunch or a drink. catch a glimpse of the gun 'hmm safety's off. must be empty. thought I reloaded. ah well, i'm sure it's fine.'


It's not impossible to see something like this happening. Obviously all PW are the most responsible shooters the world has ever seen, we're never forgetful and we have perfect standards. but there are plenty of not so careful shooters out there.


I'd rather a gun minimised the chances for people to be dopey with air rifles.

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I was very skeptic. After long time of saving money I followed by consideration, testing and decision-making between the HW100 and the Huntsman Regal. I decided for Huntsman Regal .22, since I have no doubt that it is the right decisions. The rifle is lighter, smoother to charge and shoot. Accuracy and consistency superb every time. I'm suggesting to get 7L 300 Bar dive bottle for filling the rifle from Go dive center. Hope this help

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I have owned both he R10 mk2 and the HW100 and both are great guns. Both were in .177 and I used them both for hunting and HFT and both handled well. The R10 was a lot more fussy on pellet type while the HW100 didn't care so much but was heavier.


The HW100 safety can only be applied while the gun is loaded true which means no matter whether the safety is on or not you treated like it is loaded - as you should any gun until you are certain either way. for me the HW100 was by far the best gun for performance, looks, build quality and it is a great workout while hunting.... just get a sling and you'll be fine....


Never shot the Daystate so can not comment.

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  • 1 month later...

Having recently purchased a daystate huntsman I can't recommend them enough.

It is so so accurate, I know it is a bit more money but I prefered it.

To me the hw100 as good as it is was a bit too bulky for me,the huntsman is so light and comfortable.


Happy picking and let us know which one you go for.



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  • 2 weeks later...

I had all 3 .but kept the hw 100. T 177 cal. Bsa r10 was very accurate ,many woodpigeon ended up in the pot very nice looking gun too

I started to get mag problems after 200 shots but apart from that it was faultless in the 4 months i had it.The daystate well i wanted to wrap this around a tree ,mag issues it wouldn' t rotate most of the time,accuracy was all over the place **** shot count.the bolt was gritty and not at all smooth on these.

Sold it to buy my latest hw100 T only had this 3 months and i just love this gun accuracy is awesome right out to 50 yds 5 pence peice size groupes side lever smooth as silk ,the mag faultless shot count 120 in 177 well enough everything about it oozes quality.i have had everything in the gun shop in my 35 yrs of shooting but the hw 100 is by far the best there is

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Zenduri,, little bit of advice bud,,whilst saving up again for the hw100,go to the gym mate and work on some upper body strength,,you,ll need it to hump an hw100 around all day :lol::lol: :lol:


only jokin ,,,they are a crackingly accurate rifle and very well built but it was the weight and the side lever that put me off, I much prefer the bolt action, but that's a personal preference really,


atb Evo

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I had the same problem, which one to get but I went for the Daystate Regal which I picked up today. Well pleased and will give it a good testing out tomorrow. Hope you decide soon.


Good choice bud, I've had one for over a year in .177 and it's been brilliant. I'm sure you won't be dissapointed when you put it through its paces mate.

I've just ordered a Wolverine B in FAC, but got to wait 3 weeks for it to be shipped out to me.

Enjoy you gun bud, I'm sure you will





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