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Alter chokes or not also how to make wood darker


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Hi all, I have a very nice Ugartechea 75EX sidelock side x side , it's choked at half and full which is a bit much for East anglian terrain, question is will it devalue it if I have it bored to 1/4 & 1/2, its current value I would estimate about £600, also when I stripped off the varnish as it has a half decent piece of walnut under it.


The forend is quite light in colour compared to the stock, the stock has an almost red tinge to it while the forend is just pale brown, 2nd question is what dye/stain should I use to match them, also would really like them nice and dark



Edited by sishyplops
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Boring chokes to say 1/4 & 1/2 or even Imp and 1/4 should not devalue the gun at all as many Spanish guns of this period were over choked and it is always easier to bore out than put it back in .

As to staining the wood , it looks like a lacquer finish even though it was claimed to be oiled [ but that's all traditional varnish is , oil plus drying agents] so to get a decent and even penetration of stain you will need to get down to bear wood . Possible a strong spirit stain get through but is a risk as you can not control the colour as well . Try fuming , an old trick that might help put the wood in a closed box with a saucer of ammonia ,stronger the better and leave over night . Obviously all the necessary precautions should be taken when handling .

Edited by Gunman
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