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RAF armourer


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There was actually a study carried out (I heard about it while in Cyprus (92-95) about the mortality rate of people after leaving the forces after a long service - 22+ years - I can't remember the facts but I do remember that it was quite surprising how high it was in the first 5 years or something like that




Jesus, I did 28 years and got out 2 years ago. Better check my insurance policies!

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  • 11 months later...

No Mate, I saw a current Plumber on Boxing Day at a shoot but he didn't mention anything.


Is it the Pay Banding issue all over again?


I joined and trained and became an AIRCRAFT TECHNICIAN WEAPONS and later got dropped to ENGINEERING TECHNICIAN WEAPONS!


You have a PM

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I think he means the new forces pay deal - armourers have been put into the lower pay bracket so they are now on the same as RAF Police and the like. A lot of other trades have been hit hard, but it was inevitable.


Lots of unhappy bunnies around across the board among my still serving chums in the Army and RAF, but I've been trying to tell them for ages that once Afghanistan ends so will the big salaries, and the other perks will be the next to get eroded. Those of my vintage who remember serving in a peacetime military knew what I was on about, having been treated like dirt by government and the public alike, but a lot of the younger guys dont know whats hit them and are in for a very hard time to come I think until they can get their heads around it.


I've been chatting to a guy this afternoon who used to work for me and is full of the "I'm getting out, civvy companies will bite my hands off" chat... Yeah yeah.


I'm trying to get him to wise up but its not going very well so far.

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Ah, apologies, I hadnt heard anything about the situation with the Plumbers.


I feel bad for guys who joined after 2001, I think they have been sold a real pup in terms of what life in the military is about when there isnt an enduring campaign and are in for a series of hard lessons and disappointments.

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Ok I'll admit to sitting here wondering why the RAF needed a whole trade group of plumbers...


I'll chalk my lack of RAF slang knowledge down to having been in the Army. We had slang for you guys, but I wont post it on here ;)


The RAF types I've worked with were almost all Int Branch.

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I think he means the new forces pay deal - armourers have been put into the lower pay bracket so they are now on the same as RAF Police and the like. A lot of other trades have been hit hard, but it was inevitable.


Lots of unhappy bunnies around across the board among my still serving chums in the Army and RAF, but I've been trying to tell them for ages that once Afghanistan ends so will the big salaries, and the other perks will be the next to get eroded. Those of my vintage who remember serving in a peacetime military knew what I was on about, having been treated like dirt by government and the public alike, but a lot of the younger guys dont know whats hit them and are in for a very hard time to come I think until they can get their heads around it.


I've been chatting to a guy this afternoon who used to work for me and is full of the "I'm getting out, civvy companies will bite my hands off" chat... Yeah yeah.


I'm trying to get him to wise up but its not going very well so far.




It is fine until we start needing to put bombs under wings and then there just are not enough of "us".


When the Harriers were flying out of GDC in Italy to bomb Kosovo, the lads did 72 long days on the trot and that was only a little bit of peacekeeping.


It really beggars belief, the so called peace dividend!


So glad I get out when I did.

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Ok I'll admit to sitting here wondering why the RAF needed a whole trade group of plumbers...


I'll chalk my lack of RAF slang knowledge down to having been in the Army. We had slang for you guys, but I wont post it on here ;)


The RAF types I've worked with were almost all Int Branch.


You are/were a grunt or greenslime and we are crabs.

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It is fine until we start needing to put bombs under wings and then there just are not enough of "us".


When the Harriers were flying out of GDC in Italy to bomb Kosovo, the lads did 72 long days on the trot and that was only a little bit of peacekeeping.


It really beggars belief, the so called peace dividend!


So glad I get out when I did.


Yup, there will no doubt be a rush when the lack of qualified personnel becomes an issue. That's how government seems to work across the board now I'm afraid.


Haha , I beleive that Army ammo techs are now ranked a higher trade thank RAF armourers now from looking at the stuff that was published.


Well, at least they managed to get something right... ;););)

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My Nephew is about 10 years into his 22 as a fast jet tech.


He did 2 tours of Afghan and earned a fair bit for doing so,


He has also done USA/France and now is deployed elsewhere,


He really wants to do his 22 but the tours are getting closer together with less time at home with the family,


The tours aren't where you can take family.


He would need to retrain onto civvy jets if he left.


Times are changing



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Same old routine ,my generation were the "lucky"victims of the 80,s redundancies not made a rank after 6/9/12 years made redundant without appeal .At the same time they couldn,t understand why recruitment levels dropped away to nothing.Who wants a job for life that could be over at the drop of a hat due to not so civil service decision,s .Your regiment been around 500 years tough titty ,your being amalgamated with everybody.Staffordshire regiment gone ,how many Lancers and regiments of the line are now just flags hanging in a church and fading memories of proud ex servicemen.The world is a mess and some scary people are armed and very dangerous but as usual the men and woman expected to keep us safe are treated like dirt.Politicians suckkkkk .

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