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7 foot Fox


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Unbelievable went after a fox following an email from the farm worried about the chickens. I got all set up and off I went over the fields scanning with my nv. I came to a hedge and scanned over the top. I spotted eye's high in a hedge I immediately thought an owl. I watched it for a couple of minutes and squeaked a bit. It turned towards me for a while and I kept thinking it is a fair size for an owl :-) Oh well I thought you see all sorts while out at night.
I scanned to the left just in case Mr Fox was sneaky and sod me the Owl turned out to be a Fox, by the time I had the rifle in my shoulder it was about 30 yds under the hedge and bolted gone.

Edited by Dougy
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I once saw a fox jump up and sit on top a railway sleeper being used as a gate post, the top of the post was four feet of the ground and im convinced it did it to get a better look at the numpty shining a bright light at it trying to figure out what was going on:) it was one of those moments you know something wasn't right but couldn't figure it out! It wasn't until it jumped down that I could see what was going on. I thought I had a 6 foot fox and started thinking i might need a bigger gun!!!

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Its a bit easier on PC


Why was it up in the hedge Dougy?


It doesn't quite read as clear in my first post,( I was on my phone typing it in)

As the hedges had all been cut to about 4.5 ft they were an ideal height to rest on and scan over the top of, so as i came to the edge of the 2nd field i scanned over the hedge while i rested the rifle on the hedge, that's when i saw these eyes high in the hedge around 100 or so yards in front and to the left.


After it had bolted off, i walked over to the spot, stood up against were it was and judged how high its head must have been. Now i am 5 feet 9.11525 inches or around there :) and at full arms length i could reach to the spot were it was perching. Obviously no nesting birds now so i can only assume it was a roosting bird, but why was its there for so long,surly the bird (if it was a bird) would have flown, I mean its not going to be stealth like now is it :rolleyes: i guessed to be about 1.5 minutes plus the time before i spotted it. strange :yes:

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i have bolted them with terriers where you need a ladder to be able to put the terrier in the tree

I think they were lime trees that are often found in old country estate parks with a large ball type mass in the forks

Charlie runs round and round like a helmet skelter in them until he decides it is time to depart

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