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Trust your dog


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Would these, by chance be a pair of the same underpants that you so generously offered as a prize recently?


If so, they didn't look particularly worse for the experience.




Yes the very same ones. They are 25 years old and are still going strong.

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She is a lovely dog to have out on the marsh, especially like the way she loves carrying your hat back to the car.


She has to carry something. You do have to keep an eye on her as she's been known to borrow the odd glove etc off people I have been out with. Barrold off here could vouch for this as she borrowed his friends glove on one of those freezing mornings. I sat them in from of me but see they were stood up for quite some time looking for something. I took a look at rhia and see her layer with her head on this quite well padded expensive looking glove. I made my excuses and said she had found it. She has been known to carry a pink from kenzies to the car park too.

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She has to carry something. You do have to keep an eye on her as she's been known to borrow the odd glove etc off people I have been out with. Barrold off here could vouch for this as she borrowed his friends glove on one of those freezing mornings. I sat them in from of me but see they were stood up for quite some time looking for something. I took a look at rhia and see her layer with her head on this quite well padded expensive looking glove. I made my excuses and said she had found it. She has been known to carry a pink from kenzies to the car park too.


Lovely dog carried my pink all the way back on my trip to the wash

Can only assume if its carrying a hat it must have been a blank flight

All the best


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2 dogs back I had a black bitch that always knew better than I did. I became horse one afternoon shouting at her as she sped off to find a wiley old marsh pheasant I had dropped into the edge of a dike. That bird without me seeing had run 200 yards up the dike hit a junction and ran another 200 yards to the left before Sherry pinned it. I was absolutely fuming as that cock bird looked dead and as she came out of that dike I was ready to give her a right ####ing when I was truly humbled by that dog. From that day forward I let the dogs get on with what they know best. Wildfowling without a dog just not the same.

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On the last night flight of the season for me, Max retrieved a bird that I never knew had fallen. The only chance I had was at a pack of mallard that came over, I swung up and managed to down a right and left which both fell right in front of me. I sent Max out in front but he set off in another direction and I couldn't turn him, as I was muttering some bad words under my breath he appeared out of the gloom clutching a fat mallard. I had knocked down 2 mallard with one of the shots but hadn't seen one of them, thank goodness Max was paying attention.

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On the last night flight of the season for me, Max retrieved a bird that I never knew had fallen. The only chance I had was at a pack of mallard that came over, I swung up and managed to down a right and left which both fell right in front of me. I sent Max out in front but he set off in another direction and I couldn't turn him, as I was muttering some bad words under my breath he appeared out of the gloom clutching a fat mallard. I had knocked down 2 mallard with one of the shots but hadn't seen one of them, thank goodness Max was paying attention.

It's retrieves like that that put a smile on your face. :)

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