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The 'Nightstalkers' lol.


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:ninja: Anyone heard of them? Apparently there is a group of shooters staying in a local hotel going by this name and I am sick and tired of being stopped in the street and asked who they are and what they're doing. There is no badger cull going on in this area (Cumbria) as far as I know.

I've never heard of them, and my daughter who works in the hotel didn't even know they were there.

Seems a bit of a melodramatic monicker to me, but each to their own. :ninja:

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They've hired some kit from Ammonite UK and are looking for Big Foot - seems there's been rumours. ;)

There are always rumours going on around here, but mostly concerning 'big' sheep. :yes:


I could tell you exactly who they are & what their up to.... But if I did it have to.....

Ah, I see; the old 'need to know' basis eh? Nudge nudge, wink wink...nuff said. :ninja:

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We like big sheep here in Yorkshire but for different reasons....

More wool? :)

'The Nightstalkers' have left now, having shot six roe and making their guide a very happy man so I've been told. He said he is going to spend his earnings in the local pub. He may be in there for some time.

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I've gone Nightstalkers around here. lamping deer at night. My mate shoots the ground and brings me deer meet to pay for little jobs I do for him. A couple of years ago he asked if I know if anyone shoot the ground par us two. No I said, I do the pigeon and crow shooting, he manages the deer, I've been shooting the ground for 10 years now. I ask why he asks.


All the deer have done.

More on? I asked.

Do not know. Farmer says on one has shooting on ground put us two.


So two years ago farmer asked my mate if he was lamping the night before, as if needed we lamp foxes and rabbits, as he'd like to know before we go out. Both of us said 'not me'.


So we now a a guy's lamping the deer. So poachers watch for us.


I got a phone call 'there lamping the ground. Drove to the farm gate at the bottom field and parked the car. Yes there was someone lamping the ground. My mate came in through the top field on the track. to get away they drove through the hedge. Sugar! It was not sugar I said put you get the idea.


Police called with no show.


Last year the deer numbers started to go up. No sight of lamping but the number dropped NO MORE DEER!


Turns out, the guy is using night sights to shoot the deer.

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