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Some of you may be aware that over the last seventeen years, I have undergone three surgeries for disc problems in my lower back. ;)


I recently had a real scare again and have to return to see a specialist in Oxford in April.


The thing is, I have bought an inversion rack and a pair of gravity boots, so I can suspend myself upside down from a doorway to let gravity stretch out the bones in my back, thus allowing the discs to reform to a more natural state. I feel better already after just a short period of use. :D




I would love to hear from anyone who has been inverting for a longer period of time, and to hear of the benefits.


Oh, by the way, I am now 7'6'' tall. :)



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Rob, I have had back surgery, as you know, with limited success.


I would need a trusted Physiotherapist or Surgeon, to recommend Inversion, before I would risk it.


You know from the various physiotherapies you have had, that its a thin line between doing some good and making things worse.

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Silly replys accepted, this is a serious thread. :oops:


I could be looking at the prospect of a fourth operation at the age of 37.


I have really had a shot across the bows recently with my relapse, and I am so glad I tried inversion. In a short period of time, it has helped relieve the lower back ache and tingling foot I suffered with.




Brian, i am having accupuncture with a very well known Physiotherapist from Thame at the moment, and he advised me that I would not suffer any ill effects from inversion as long as I build up steadily from sessions of around 2-5 mins at a time. I am regularly in touch with him and I feel good at the moment.

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Rob, I have had back surgery, as you know, with limited success.


I would need a trusted Physiotherapist or Surgeon, to recommend Inversion, before I would risk it.


You know from the various physiotherapies you have had, that its a thin line between doing some good and making things worse.






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I too have had back surgery, with limited success. I genuinely sympathise with you and am taking great interest in the serious replies to this thread.


I had to stop physio as I couldn't walk for days afterwards, so I take tablets.


I can't live on tablets for ever - mayber this could be the answer for me too.

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I've thought about this as I have lower back problems but nothing like some of you guys :oops:


My Chiropractor told me it was a waste of money but then she would I suppose (cynical head on).


I might have to get one and give it a go.





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I'm watching this with great interest.

I suffered a back injury years ago when I was about 22 and every now and then it flares up, but normally goes in a few days after the Dr has done a bit of manipulation, (a back expert).

Unfortunately, this time it seems to have manifested itself with sciatica like symptoms. These went after a trip to the Docs, but then I found that I've strained the hip flexor muscles and I have to limp around like a man of 80, (until I found Ibuprofen +).

The Ibuprofen keeps the symptoms away, but as soon as the dose wears off, the pain comes back, (with a vengeance today), and once gain it feels like sciatica.

It looks like a trip back to the Docs is on the cards just to try and get to the bottom of this.

BTW, I had physio and she seems to think that it might have something to do with the high clutch on the Land Rover straining the muscles :oops: ,

Has anyone else suffered from "Land Rover clutch?"



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