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powder measuring

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hi all can you please shine a light please .
I am a complete and utter novice to reloading and as such I am busy trying to get together a set up to reload [on a tight and tiny budget ] for my .243 .

I was talking to someone today while looking on the evilbay for a powder measure and he completely threw me by saying that he uses the lee yellow scoop things straight onto a scale then a powder trickler to fine tune the powder .........now that is where it went straight over my head ...........so in opinion of the experienced reloaders which would I be better of getting the lee perfect powder measure and a trickler or those set of scoop thingys

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I've just started using a perfect powder measure and it saves me loads of time although i believe some powders measure better through it than others. I'm using Titegroup which is a flake power and consistancy is good enough for my target loads.


I also have a dipper set which comes with a chart for various powders / dipper size and gives a rough weight in grains.


Personally i would go with the perfect powder measure as you can set it to throw basically bang on.

Edited by Livefast123
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hi all can you please shine a light please .

I am a complete and utter novice to reloading and as such I am busy trying to get together a set up to reload [on a tight and tiny budget ] for my .243 .


I was talking to someone today while looking on the evilbay for a powder measure and he completely threw me by saying that he uses the lee yellow scoop things straight onto a scale then a powder trickler to fine tune the powder .........now that is where it went straight over my head ...........so in opinion of the experienced reloaders which would I be better of getting the lee perfect powder measure and a trickler or those set of scoop thingys



translated into english, he said


i have a plastic spoon to which i get three quarters of the powder stuffed in the case with a small doobry firkin to dribble the last few tiny grains of powder into the case to the right weight






i am used to be a bit anal with getting the loads spot on to 0.01, so do it the same way, big scoop to get 90% of the load and the powder trickle to finish it off


now i only load shotgun hulls so do it via a measured volume tube in the set up i use

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I reload on a budget. A set of Hornady digital scales (£40), and a plastic teaspoon. Weigh powder (to 0.1grain) onto container on scales, use funnel to transfer to case. As someone has said, you can get scales for considerably less, and they will do all you need.

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If you're loading for target shooting at over 100yds then accurate powder measurement helps a lot, if not then even using the yellow scoops will do a fairly consistent job.


The Lee Perfect Powder Measure (90058) is one of the cheapest throwers around and is also one of the most accurate, with most powders it will throw to within +/- .01gr and to within +/- 0.02gr with the longer extruded "stick" types (which are also problematic for most other powder throwers). This is certainly good enough for hunting ammo.


Don't skimp on the scales though, the Lee are not great, spend once for a decent set of RCBS 5-0-5 and they will last a lifetime and beyond.


The next step up would be something like a Target Master trickle system, this combines throwing a "rough" charge and then using it with a set of scales to automatically trickle to the set weight, it's very accurate and repeatable.


If you want to have a play with any of these types of powder systems PM me and you're more than welcome to come and try them out using my stuff before spending the money :)

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just get the scoops

100% of factory ammo is loaded BY VOLUME



I even created a corresponding and accurate CC to Grain conversion spreadsheet for each powder I used:



these groups were shot with homeloads I made when I first started out with a Lee Loader, a wooden mallet and a set of scoops with no variation in OAL

fine tuned they could be better but are more than adequate for stalking

they all shoot better than factory for a 1/3d of the price


.270 130gr N160 - 130yds





.243 100gr Interlock N160



.222 60gr SP N133


Edited by Bewsher500
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