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I won!


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My faith in British justice has been restored :/


Some of you may remember that last year on March 5th i was involved in a traffic accident.

Well after a year It came to court and I won. It was greatly helped by the fact that he had so many holes in his arguement, he even changed his statement to fit in with the damage report on my vehicle!

Both my barrister and the judge saw through him and agreed with me.


So when the damages come thrugh it is toy buying time :lol: Just don't tell the wife :lol:

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My faith in British justice has been restored :lol:


Some of you may remember that last year on March 5th i was involved in a traffic accident.

Well after a year It came to court and I won. It was greatly helped by the fact that he had so many holes in his arguement, he even changed his statement to fit in with the damage report on my vehicle!

Both my barrister and the judge saw through him and agreed with me.


So when the damages come thrugh it is toy buying time :lol: Just don't tell the wife :angry:

Thats all good, I love it when moron's try these things when their arguements have enough holes to be used as a colender. :/

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Both my barrister and the judge saw through him and agreed with me.


Its always handy when your Barrister supports your case. :lol:


Well it was clear that the other chaps Barrister didn't support his case! She was going through the motions, I think she was embarresed that she was having to defend such a lame duck :/

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Thanks for the congratulations!

I am rather proud of the way I handled the whole thing. Without being big headed I think the end result was due to me finding the independant witness and pushing the solicitor for the damage report to my vechile which proved my story was true.

Unfortunatly I got through 3 solicitors, due to one leaving and the case "changing departments".

They didn't seem too bothered about pushing for anything or indeed actually trying to find any "evidence" to support my case!


Oh well no point dwelling on it, I won and time to move on.

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