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Decided to get out in the field for dawn this morning, built a net hide and put some slit bunnies out at 60 yards for a corvid breakfast.


Only took a short while for the first magpie to appear and get an eley subsonic, but despite there being plenty of magpies around none would come to the bait with a dead one there :D


I stayed in the hide and that tactic paid off as a crow (I'd been watching for a while) came down and started attacking the dead magpie - he was shot too and another joined almost immediately - two crows in less than a couple of minutes :/




The .22 keeps its place in the cabinet :/





Save a sparrow - zapp a magpie / crow

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i did the same thing last sunday and shot four grey crows and a magpie :oops: you should have ranout after you shot the magpie and brought the body back to you if you do this with all the birds more should come to the bait it works for me every time but you need a lot of patience you need to pick up some of the feathers as well and you should get more :lol: the same principle works if there was a dead sheep around if you hide in a near by ditch with the rifle and be WELL hidden then pick the vermin off as they land :lol::P

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