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Perazzi HPX shotguns

Will Poon

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Errr slight cough, I do.


I have a 33" HPX SR1 Sporter based on the MX12 action (MX12 has a barrel selector and coil trigger springs, the MX8 doesn't have the selector and leaf springs). Almost all the HPX Perazzi guns are on the MX8 action however because its completely custom made and fitted to you by John Jeffries (JJ) then you can have whatever you want - I wanted a barrel selector and a nickel coloured action (most are black) so that's what I had.


The guns are manufactured by Perazzi to John's specifications so ownership is no different than any other Perazzi gun in that regard. JJ refines the triggers of each of the individual guns he provides so the already excellent standard pulls are enhanced to the point there is absolutely no play at all in the triggers - the moment you think of squeezing the trigger it will fire.


The buying experience is very different though and that starts with a an hour or two with a try-gun and JJ shooting a variety of different target presentations. As a shooter you have to get used to seeing a lot more rib in your peripheral vision with less of the action of the gun cluttering up your view of the target, once you get your head around the principles it gives you oodles of confidence to attack almost any target.


I've had my SR1 a little over two years and it's been faultless, it always makes me smile when I get it out of the cabinet for another outing. Back in January I was tempted to try the new DSR version which is an even more radical evolution of mine which is exceedingly dangerous with JJ for company because you end up wanting one badly and eventually I placed an order, the gun arrived in the country last week and the 1st fitting session is next week. To make the decision to acquire a second example says it all I guess?

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Thanks for your input very interesting to hear a proper view on a gun

Any chance of a picture

Also from order to delivery approximate time scale and purchase experience

Think it must have been good for you to get another

Sort of in the mode of going down the perazi route myself

I blame will poon 😂

Many thanks


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Errr slight cough, I do.


I have a 33" HPX SR1 Sporter based on the MX12 action (MX12 has a barrel selector and coil trigger springs, the MX8 doesn't have the selector and leaf springs). Almost all the HPX Perazzi guns are on the MX8 action however because its completely custom made and fitted to you by John Jeffries (JJ) then you can have whatever you want - I wanted a barrel selector and a nickel coloured action (most are black) so that's what I had.


The guns are manufactured by Perazzi to John's specifications so ownership is no different than any other Perazzi gun in that regard. JJ refines the triggers of each of the individual guns he provides so the already excellent standard pulls are enhanced to the point there is absolutely no play at all in the triggers - the moment you think of squeezing the trigger it will fire.


The buying experience is very different though and that starts with a an hour or two with a try-gun and JJ shooting a variety of different target presentations. As a shooter you have to get used to seeing a lot more rib in your peripheral vision with less of the action of the gun cluttering up your view of the target, once you get your head around the principles it gives you oodles of confidence to attack almost any target.


I've had my SR1 a little over two years and it's been faultless, it always makes me smile when I get it out of the cabinet for another outing. Back in January I was tempted to try the new DSR version which is an even more radical evolution of mine which is exceedingly dangerous with JJ for company because you end up wanting one badly and eventually I placed an order, the gun arrived in the country last week and the 1st fitting session is next week. To make the decision to acquire a second example says it all I guess?


Thank you. I was on the brink of kicking off an order. You just pushed me over the edge.

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They do feel nice from what I can remember when I picked one up a few years ago.

Must say though my new mk60 high pheasant handles well for a 32" and is a fraction of the price.

I think if money was no option would seriously look at the HPX or a new B25 with 32" barrels.

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Has yours got hpx in gold lettering stamped on the top of the barrels? I didn't fancy that.


My MX12L is all the gun i ever wanted. Two things i really like in a gun are top draw trigger pulls and balance and this gun has both.

It has HPX in a silver script on the LH side of chamber, its tasteful (to my eye anyway though being a chap that could be open to question) :)

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Thanks for your input very interesting to hear a proper view on a gun

Any chance of a picture

Also from order to delivery approximate time scale and purchase experience

Think it must have been good for you to get another

Sort of in the mode of going down the perazi route myself

I blame will poon

Many thanks


Here you go:


If one of the pictures looks familiar as being on JJ's web site that's because its my gun....








The leather slip comes with the gun and a hat too.


The spec of this one was as a 33" SR1 Sporter, beaver tail fore end, adjustable comb, Briley interchangeable chokes, nickel coloured action. JJ goes over to the factory and selects the stock blanks personally so you get lovely wood without having to pay the premium. I think looking back I almost set about replicating the spec of Browning Ultra XS I had before.


Curiously for the DSR I've opted to go fixed choke at 1/4 and 1/2 (I never change them in the SR1 because it patterns so tightly, Carl Bloxham had me extract the tubes to prove it, its really tight), no adjustable comb, just have it made and fitted right from day one and a black action.


Delivery timescales - the SR1 above took about 6 months start to finish, ordered November 2012 and arrived May 2013, the DSR order went in 9th of Feb this year and I'll get the first fitting next week, it will still be a month or two before the stock is finalised oiled and finished. JJ measures you up and then orders the stock slightly oversize so there is a little margin for final adjustment, his son-in-law is a gun smith and does all the stock work to perfection, everything, even the stock pad (not present when the gun comes from the factory) is specific to your fitting requirements.


With regard to the purchase experience I wrote a testimonial piece for JJ, really as a way of saying thanks for providing something special: http://www.perazzihpx.com/testimonials/ All I'd say is if you are wavering then don't read it!


Buying an HPX is a special experience and one of the better purchase decisions I've made in my life....golly I've made some bad ones too.... :lol:

Edited by Cosmicblue
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Lol,It's a good job we are all different. Here's my ol' gal.



Yes, all being a bit different makes life all the more interesting, that's a lovely gun for sure, beautiful wood and engraved too, is that SC3?


As a matter of interest if you fancied an HPX and wanted to protect your existing investment then he can supply/fit HPX barrels and stock to an existing Perazzi action....

Edited by Cosmicblue
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Nice bit of timber cosmicblue, I'm assuming the gun is at a higher price than a standard Perazzi even though ihe trigger pull is better than a standard mx?


Thanks, yes, an HPX costs a bit more than a standard MX, however it is fitted to you personally. The trigger pulls of a standard MX are lovely, JJ just spends as much time as it takes to get the pulls perfect and as near identical for each barrel as he can.

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Lol,It's a good job we are all different. Here's my ol' gal.



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Nice hide gun nige. When you went out for a pee I almost tucked it under my arm and ran off with it .



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Had the first fitting for the new HPX DSR this morning at South Worcestershire Shooting Ground and the gun fits perfectly (as it should having been made for me) and is beautiful to shoot, put 75 24Grm Fblacks through it, very happy! JJ will finalise the stock, oil finish it, fit a pad and tune the triggers before the next session...pictures below:





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