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Friday nights foxes.


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Had a few hours out Fri night foxing.

Drove up to farm 1/2 hours drive. Went down to bottom fields, 2 fields together 250 y wide 350 long.

Called for a bit on left hand field rabbit call, spotted a pair of eyes on opposite bank with red lamp.

Switched on Archer fox say on his butt not moving. Switched call to rat distress it started down bank. Lost it by ditch far end of field for a few minutes.

Then it came through gateway into field coming in nice. Followed it in until it stopped at about a 100y boom down it went.

Nothing else to be seen for 1/2 hour so decided to head back to truck up by farm for a coffee.

Went after to field not far from truck. Walked along hedge in field pair of eyes came over a lump in field.

Dropped the the legs on pod on with archer no sign gone in dip. Scanned with archer on rifle fox heading up hill to hedge quick Oi boom down it went.

Called again for a bit nothing so headed home as mist was coming down thick and fast.

First fox had to turn head away as eyes where on storks.

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Good work! I'm jut waiting on darkness to head out myself. Lamper let me down last night so just walked a few fields. 6 sets of eyes within a half a mile radius... Sure is thick with them at the moment!

Hi Bud See your not that far from me,if you down my way call in for a cuppa. I nearly always shoot on my own got fed up with people letting me down,its less hassle anyway. :yes: atb Terry

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Well done mate (as usual).


Good work! I'm jut waiting on darkness to head out myself. Lamper let me down last night so just walked a few fields. 6 sets of eyes within a half a mile radius... Sure is thick with them at the moment!

How did you get on bud? Out with the HMR or have you managed to get hold of a centerfire?

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