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A interesting film of life on the washes


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ernie%20james%20004_zpsptfskgly.jpgI don't think we will ever see the like again fenboy , two good books about Ernie and old timers who lived and worked on the fens , both worth reading ,also Hunters Fen by John Humphreys .


And like Penelope said, there is loads of interesting stuff on E A F A , just click on to countrymen and there is enough on there to keep you happy in between you reducing the wildfowl numbers in eastern Lincs.

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And like Penelope said, there is loads of interesting stuff on E A F A , just click on to countrymen and there is enough on there to keep you happy in between you reducing the wildfowl numbers in eastern Lincs.

Thanks I have had a look at the EAFA in the past , as you say some interesting stuff on there.

I have not been reducing wildfowl numbers the last couple of flights as they have been blanks , I have just got back from my latest effort from which I succeeded in leaving my gamebag on the marsh , guess I will be having a long walk tomorrow to try and retrieve it.

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I thoroughly enjoyed that :good:

Thanks for sharing and bringing a insight into the past. It is so sad that many of those skills and that way of life are no longer with us and gone go the grave with there keeper.


I enjoyed the part about punt gunning very much, having read the various threads on here about punt building, it brings them to life to see how they will be used :good:


I wonder if that pub is still open and does it still have thoes punt guns on the wall?


Again, thanks for sharing :good:

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Thanks I have had a look at the EAFA in the past , as you say some interesting stuff on there.

I have not been reducing wildfowl numbers the last couple of flights as they have been blanks , I have just got back from my latest effort from which I succeeded in leaving my gamebag on the marsh , guess I will be having a long walk tomorrow to try and retrieve it.

Is that an excuse to your good lady so you can have another go tomorrow , I bet you will be taking your gun fenboy while your searching for your game bag , am I right ? :yes:

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I thoroughly enjoyed that :good:

Thanks for sharing and bringing a insight into the past. It is so sad that many of those skills and that way of life are no longer with us and gone go the grave with there keeper.


I enjoyed the part about punt gunning very much, having read the various threads on here about punt building, it brings them to life to see how they will be used :good:


I wonder if that pub is still open and does it still have thoes punt guns on the wall?


Again, thanks for sharing :good:

Yes the lamb and flag is still open , been a number of years since I was last in it cannot remember if the guns were there but the stuffed pike certainly was !

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Is that an excuse to your good lady so you can have another go tomorrow , I bet you will be taking your gun fenboy while your searching for your game bag , am I right ? :yes:

Perhaps not MM by the time I get home from work I will not have time to get down for a flight , I will leave it till dark so as I do not disturb any fowlers that my be out for a flight , I am hoping the tide will not be big enough to top the creek I was on so the bag does not take a trip on the tide !

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I memory serves, there are still guns on the wall. I was in there in January. That pike is a beast.


Yes the lamb and flag is still open , been a number of years since I was last in it cannot remember if the guns were there but the stuffed pike certainly was !

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