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A busy Day out

new to the flock

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Well started out today with setting some rat traps at a Mates ponds. The banks are being undermined and clapsing. Was trying to get there last week but as we had a freeze up with an inch of ice on the ponds thought I would wait.


Setting a submersible drowning tunnel trap.


The trap has one way gates that allow the rat to enter from either end but cant exit.






The trap set underwater.




Between the 2 ponds I set out 5 tunnel traps, and 4 float sets.


Here is a float set going in. This set has two 120 conibear traps on it and will take rats from either end.








A float set on the back pond.




Setting a drowning set with a victor 1 pan trap. This float actually has room for 6 traps but I only had the one that style with me.




Finding a leak...... :good:




Float set with an apple for bait.





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It took 2 hours to get the 9 sets in, and then we were off to a bridge over Big Creek to set a pigeon trap for some training birds.








Then we went over to the flats to see if the spring cats had arrived yet. Unfortunately they were not in yet.






Although the fish were not co-operating we found other things to do to entertain us for a further 2 hours.














It was then home to make dinner, and relax for a bit.



We will make the rounds tommorrow to see if we have managed anything in the traps :good:



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Well went out this morning in the snow and rain to check the rat sets. Didn't expect much from the floats yet as it usually takes 2 or 3 days for them to get comfortable with them. Most of the tunnels had nothing in them yet aswell, but one held a rat.




Taking him out .




My Helper...middle Little.




On the tape.






Will get over to check the pigeon trap a little later today....not expecting much as usually takes a day or two.



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The rat is a musk rat and they eat aquatic vegitation and roots. They will also eat grass. They do not hibernate but spend their winters under the ice.




The floats will tip and sink if a duck or goose was to try to climb up on the float, and the bait is set in behind the traps so if any birds land on it they are clear of the jaws and triggers. A duck or goose may be able to reach over the side to steel a bite, but again would be clear of the triggers and jaws.


In 20 years of trapping I have only had two accidental catches...one was a turtle when I use to bait the float traps on the triggers, and the other was a squirrel in a coon cubby set.


Bait selection and placement are the biggest factors in catching correctly, in my opinion. :good:



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I cant see the tape measurement very clearly NTTF


How big was he in inches? He looks huge. Some eating in him I'd say :P


He was 13 inches to the base of the tail and 22 1/4 with the tail :sly:



Best way to eat them is to roast with bacon over wrap, garlic, and potatoes. :blink:





I hate you :good::good::D







How was the pigeon shoot on Sunday?



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