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2 reasons for rolling


  1. if the seed bed was cloggy and some of the grain is still visible then the farmer will roll it and break the clods to cover the grain/seed
  2. when the cereal has reached a height of 6"...it used to be normal practice to roll the crop to make it tiller



so if the field has been rolled the crop is in.............

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It could be either.


Sometimes if the seed bed is still rough after cultivations ground can be rolled to make it more even and ready for the drill.


Usually though land is rolled after drilling.


If you are not sure just go and look for fresh seeds.

Edited by JDog
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Why do they call it drilling often wondered


Because the machine they use to plant the seed is called a Drill.


Modern Drills are air powered and leave very little grain laying around on the surface, best to find an old fashioned Farmer who uses old machinery, the pigeons certainly prefer it that way..!



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Because the machine they use to plant the seed is called a Drill.


Modern Drills are air powered and leave very little grain laying around on the surface, best to find an old fashioned Farmer who uses old machinery, the pigeons certainly prefer it that way..!



one farm we shoot uses the old type you mentioned, and it resulted in over 400 birds shot there on spring and autumn drillings this year in 3 shoots, so yeah totally agree

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