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Semi for clays


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I don’t see any problem with semi’s and pumps at clay grounds.......

Just pick up your empties no matter what gun you’re using and be safe with the gun you are using. That’s all that’s required.


As a pump and semi-auto owner I do confess its not so easy collecting empties after you have shot if the ground is busy and folk are waiting to shoot behind you. Also I did use to cringe when using the semi auto for DTL or skeet which although wasn’t very often did seem anti-social towards anyone to the side.

It is just easier, quicker, cleaner and more efficient to bin empties as you go which is easiest done with a OU / SxS.


I also marvel at those with no skeet vest or pouch on a belt who insist on struggling along with jackets they get knotted up in or stuffing them in jeans pockets and trying to get them out after each pair. It looks so awkward and must be distracting to your shooting.





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I use my Browning Maxus for clays. I like the fact that you can adjust the length of pull by adding or subtracting shims and adjust the cast with the cast shims without having to get it done at a gun smith.


Looking at the OP's budget be aware that some Semi Autos are a bit fickle as to the cartridge size and load they will reliably cycle.


I have 2 friends with Hatsan Escorts who do have cycling issues with certain cartridges.


Lastly I recommend you get a ''Plug It'' which is a brightly colored piece of plastic that fits into the open breach and only remove it and reinstall it when on the stand. This makes it obvious to all around that your gun is safe.



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Well it looks like it's a semi

I have had a look at a hatsan escort which for £310 new is pretty good value . After speaking about the previously mentioned cycling problems, the RFD said they find they cycle no problem with anything over 24g (I think he said) .

Which I think shouldn't be an issue.

3year warranty inc 👍🏼

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Well it looks like it's a semi

I have had a look at a hatsan escort which for £310 new is pretty good value . After speaking about the previously mentioned cycling problems, the RFD said they find they cycle no problem with anything over 24g (I think he said) .

Which I think shouldn't be an issue.

3year warranty inc


I have had cycling issues with all of my auto's...............perhaps it's the lycra !

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Well it looks like it's a semi

I have had a look at a hatsan escort which for £310 new is pretty good value . After speaking about the previously mentioned cycling problems, the RFD said they find they cycle no problem with anything over 24g (I think he said) .

Which I think shouldn't be an issue.

3year warranty inc 👍🏼

It's more about the length (oh er mrs)

As long as the cartridges are over 68mm

It'll cycle them I have an escort it's never failed on 68 or 70mm carts

I use game bore 28 hv 7's good cartridges

Don't put them through a sxs though

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My shootings 50/50 semi auto / ou.


Had a few odd looks but doesn't matter if your smashing the clays.


Use what ever you feel comfortable using, just do it in a safe manner and be considerate with the spent empties.


Take some time to learn how it works and what measures are required if it has a jam or double feed etc. And practise safe handling in and out the slip etc.


Generally I see worse handling of over and indeed than semi autos on registered shoots.

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Use my m2 for pretty much everything. Always makes me laugh my gun has a flag in when put in the stand but most people with over under will put the gun in the stand with the gun closed and muzzle up. I other words so no one knows if the guns empty but my auto is the one that gets eyeballed for a safety flag.

Really hate the double standards and snobbery in uk shooting.

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Use my m2 for pretty much everything. Always makes me laugh my gun has a flag in when put in the stand but most people with over under will put the gun in the stand with the gun closed and muzzle up. I other words so no one knows if the guns empty but my auto is the one that gets eyeballed for a safety flag.

Really hate the double standards and snobbery in uk shooting.

What makes me laugh even louder is, at my local GC, shooters leave their guns in the stands outside the booking in office/lounge room...unattended. It is within 50 feet of the car park/entrance where ANYONE can walk in pick one or more up and walk out.. He/she are just another shooter carrying a gun.

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Why is shooting 3 shots off frowned on as appose to 2? I got a talking to today by one of the employees about how using my semi is fine but only 2 shots, when I asked why he said someone had complained as the third shot was distracting them and semis had a bad reputation? Keep in mind I was the only person on whatever stand I was shooting on so whoever was getting distracted by a shot (at a clay ground) wasn't stood next to or around me! I wasn't pressing 3 buttons at a time maybe a pair then single. All empties where picked up as always and the gun was in the slip when walking from stand to stand. I am really going off the ground I shoot at as every time I've been there has been something to put me off, mainly snobby people but the other one I use is more like a family run ground so very inviting and pleasant. Sorry for the long winded post just felt a bit annoid today, if they are the rules then no problem but asking me to stop as someone is getting distracted by a gun shot at a range is ridiculous in my eyes

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why would you ever need to put three shots in ?

all birds on all clay ground are either , single , pairs , or two birds on report . so you would never need three shots , , more to the point what if you was to load up your three shots and then get distracted ? your then walking around the the club with a loaded shotgun and you dont even know it .


its a simple rule and i cant see why your moaning to be honest , its just common sense

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As far as I was aware there are no "rules" regarding what order or how many you wish to shoot at a time. I wasn't in a competition etc just having fun, but as said above if they are the rules then no problem, however the reason was someone on another stand was being distracted. The comment about loading 3 shots and getting distracted is daft in my opinion. What's stopping you loading 2 shots and getting distracted? Do you not think I check and double check when handling the gun just as you do with your o/u?

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As far as I was aware there are no "rules" regarding what order or how many you wish to shoot at a time. I wasn't in a competition etc just having fun, but as said above if they are the rules then no problem, however the reason was someone on another stand was being distracted. The comment about loading 3 shots and getting distracted is daft in my opinion. What's stopping you loading 2 shots and getting distracted? Do you not think I check and double check when handling the gun just as you do with your o/u?

well for a kick off , my O/U would be broken / open , I can see in an instant along with everyone else .

and I think you find the three shot rule is in force on EVERY clay ground . every other club I know including my own , would ask you to leave , I think they was fare with you ,


its an unwritten rule , just except it and move on



actually just to correct myself , it IS a written rule for ALL cpsa grounds

Edited by stevo
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I use auto and love them so have no complaints but i have never had the need to load more than two shells at once but there are alot of noddys with them i think its mainly because u can get them cheap so beginers tend to buy them

On multiple ocasions ive had a live auto pointed at me people walking from stand 5 to 1 on dtl with a live gun

and u are only allowed to load 2 cartridges at any one time anyway

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So it's an unwritten rule yet I should know about it? As already said he did not tell me this is the rule, he said someone was getting distracted. You can only use 28grm at this range, that's the rule, I know this as there is signs stating this. If I didn't follow this rule I would expect to be kicked off or at least have a stern talking to. I still don't get your point about the gun being unsafe, I check the semi just as strictly as any other type. I wouldn't feel any less safe if the guy on the next stand was shooting a semi and not a o/u.

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Thanks for the reply, I wasn't aware it was a rule I will not use 3 in future. I wasn't trying to get into a dispute with anyone, just learning. And it's not that I feel the need to use 3, I just enjoy it.

hey matey its not a problem , we cant all know everything , but at least you now know and can get on with having a good time at your local ground .

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