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This was one of a possible 2 Fox's seen tonight. I have now lost my bales as a high vantage point on this one field so had to use some pallets that had been stacked neatly near by.

I was watching 2 chasing each other about 300yds off at the far end of the field, no call could get them any way closer and with the wind as it was a long shot would have been risky to say tbe least. So the waiting game came into play. The seemed to have a little chase, then show no interest towards each other for a while, then came together again for a little boxing match type grapple, to part again and wonder off. This went on for around 1/2 an hour until one ran off calling away then both disappeared. Stuff it I thought maybe I should have taken the shot, coffee break while I ponder over my missed opportunity. Shortly after this vixen showed up with what may have been a dog fox a few yards behind. This time definitely within range at just over 100yds, I took the shot and dropped the vixen, reloading immediately hoping for a 2nd fox I scanned around but no sign. I waited for some time but one appeared but too far off and showed no sign of closing in so called it a night.

There's always tomorrow. ;-)


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